Sometimes the mightiest of men can fall prey to wily cyber criminals. With the Internet going agog with Mark Zuckerberg’s hacked Twitter account, we just got a glimpse of that.

how to create strong password

What’s more Zuckerberg’s not the only celebrity whose social media account(s) has been compromised. According to recent updates, pop sensation Katy Perry and Kim Kardashian’s supermodel sister Kylie Jenner are also amongst those whose Twitter accounts were hacked.

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The Wall Street Journal reported a spate of account hacks on Twitter. So yes, you could be next!

We can’t quite say why Zuckerberg would choose to reuse a password for several accounts. That too something as preposterous and weak a password as ‘dadada’!  Maybe his memory isn’t quite as good as his business acumen.

But let’s face it, he is not the only one struggling to remember all his passwords. We do most of our day-to-day transactions and activities online. And we have an account for almost every site. You have accounts on various e-commerce sites, social networks, blogs, online mags and so much more. And it’s simply not possible to remember all these passwords unless you are robot.

There are a number of ways you can keep your password safe. We’ll tell you how.

What Conventional Wisdom Advice’s?

First things first. Follow traditional advice i.e. incorporate all elements to create a strong password. And it’s not really that hard. Things to remember while creating a password.

  • Has a minimum of 8-12 characters
  • Has numbers, symbols, lower case & capital letters
  • Is NOT a specific dictionary words
  • Is NOT obvious

say you come up with something like ‘G#239s89’. And mind you that’s a pretty strong one.

But How to Remember It?

Obviously, such an arbitrary ‘word’ cannot be memorized. There’s a simple trick you can use. Consider this statement:

“I am Greg and live in House #239 in Lower Stratford. My brother was born in ‘89.”

That’s not rocket science, eh?

Just in case you want an explanation, the bold parts basically comprise your password with ‘Lower S’ standing for lower case ‘s’. You can create more such combinations for all your accounts.

But that’s time-consuming. Is there no other way?

Of course there is. Password managing apps/software. You’ll just have to remember one hell of a strong master password and that would pretty much be the last password you’d need to remember.

What are the options available?

Several actually. Some only let you manage passwords, and some come with multiple functions such as identity protection, personal data protection, credit/debit card security, and of course password protection for all your accounts across the web. The Advanced Identity protector is one such multi-functional software that save you from cyber con artists.

So go ahead, make your online accounts and transactions safe and secure.

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