What is Aggregate Supply?

The rise or fall in the aggregate demand alters aggregate supply. An increase in demand causes an increase in supply. Similarly, a fall in demand results in reduced supply. It is further classified into short-run supply and long-run supply. In the short run, supply is driven by price. In the long run, firms ramp up production.

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Key Takeaways

  • Aggregate supply is the total quantity of the goods or services produced in an economy—during a given period at a particular price level.Change in supply is brought out by the price of factors of production, technological advancement, labor productivity, exchange rate fluctuation, taxes, subsidies, and inflation rate changes.Capital goods are used by manufacturers and industrialists to produce consumer goods. Capital goods transform raw materials into finished products.

Aggregate Supply Explained

Aggregate supply is also known as the final domestic supply. A country’s final domestic supply is calculated at the corresponding price level at a particular time. It is represented graphically by the aggregate supply curve—the relationship between goods produced and price levels.

The final domestic supply comprises capital goodsCapital GoodsCapital goods are man-made assets used in the manufacturing process of a product. They are used to produce the final goods that people consume daily. They are one of the four factors of production- the other three being natural resources, labor, and entrepreneurship.read more, consumer goodsConsumer GoodsConsumer goods are the products purchased by the buyers for consumption and not for resale. Also referred to as final products, examples of consumer goods include an Apple cellphone or a box of Oreo cookies. Consumer goods companies and the industry offer a vast range of products that heavily contribute to the global economy.read more, traded goods, and public goods. Capital goods are tangible assetsTangible AssetsTangible assets are assets with significant value and are available in physical form. It means any asset that can be touched and felt could be labeled a tangible one with a long-term valuation.read more—manufacturers and industrialists use capital goods to transform raw materials into finished products. Commercial aircraft is an example of capital goods—airlines provide travel services to consumers. Consumer goods are also referred to as finished goods—final products in the manufacturing cycle. Bread, butter, soaps, TV, fridge, etc., are examples of consumer goods.

Commodities produced for export help a nation compete globally. Public welfare services like education, public transport, and healthcare also constitute a significant part of the final domestic supply. These services require infrastructure, which in turn creates employment and generates income for the masses.

Aggregate Supply Formula

The formula for determining the aggregate supply is as follows:

Here, AS is the Aggregate Supply.

  • C is the Consumption Expenditure, andS refers to Savings.


Following are the two prominent components of the final domestic supply:

  • Consumption Expenditure: The amount spent by the consumers on purchasing goods and services in a particular period constitutes the consumption expenditure.Savings: It constitutes the consumer savings in a given period.

Shifts in Aggregate Supply

Shifts in final domestic supply are caused by internal and external factors of productionFactors Of ProductionFactors of production define resources used to produce or create finished goods and services, the sale and purchase of which keeps the market economy afloat.read more. Following are the various determinants of final domestic supply:

  • Change in Raw Material Costs: Any increase or decrease in raw material costs will directly impact production costs. A rise in raw material cost may lead to a decline in supply or an increase in commodity price.Variation in Labour Costs: Any rise or fall in labor wages or labor availability will fluctuate production costs. For example, if an auto manufacturer shuts its manufacturing plant for two months, the supply will decrease—brought out by a labor strike.Change in Labour Quality and Quantity: The increase or decrease in labor also impacts the supply of goods. Similarly, a change in the quality of labor causes changes in production capacity.Fluctuation in Other Production Costs: Other industry-specific production costs also affect supply—the rental cost of manufacturing plant, price of cement for builders, or transportation cost changes caused by increasing oil prices.Exchange Rate Changes: The rise and fall of currency exchange rates may affect production costs—raw material imports. Supply can also be affected—increased price will lead to reduced demand.Taxation and Subsidies: An increase in taxes does not impact the production costs directly but increases the final price for the consumers. Thus, change in taxes impacts both demand and supply.Cheaper Imports: When imported goods become more affordable, the demand for domestic products goes down. Under pressure, domestic companies reduce their supply in the market.Inflation Rate Fluctuation: Final domestic supply determines what is produced and what is consumed in a national economy. To achieve sustainable growth, governments try to ensure a final domestic supply that resembles an upward sloping curve.Technological Innovation: If a company upgrades technology, production can be ramped up—supply can be increased significantly.

Aggregate Supply Curve

An aggregate supply curve (ASC) is the graphical representation of the number of goods or services produced in relation to price changes.

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Short-run and long-run are the two final domestic supply types. They are explained below.

#1 – Aggregate Supply in Short Run

The short-run final domestic supply is driven by price. An increase in demand witnesses relatively more buyers—the demand-supply equilibrium is altered. In the short term, businesses can’t reach the required capacity overnight. For example, a company cannot always buy land and start a new manufacturing plant to increase capacity. Such decisions take time and massive expenditures that need to be paid upfront.

Without additional capital, the only way to increase output is to increase efficiency. The existing factors of production must be optimized. If achieved, higher demand would mean a price hike—eventually, higher profitability.

 Thus, the short-run final domestic supply curve shows an upward movement—it reacts to changes in price brought out by the abrupt shift in demand.

#2 – Aggregate Supply in Long Run

If the commodity prices show an upward trend over a longer period, businesses try to increase capacity. In the long run, firms can invest more capital in improving productivity, efficiency, technical know-how of workers, and technology. In the long run, prices and productivity change significantly.

The long-run final domestic supply curve is vertical. Price changes do not alter supply significantly. Changes in supply are mainly brought out by technological advancements and production efficiency.


Let us assume PQR Steel Industry manufactures grinder machines. The output in the financial year 2020-21 was 60,000 units, and the overall annual cost of production was $9000,000. However, in October 2021, the labor force went on a one-month strike—the manufacturing unit was temporarily shut down. Determine the shortage in supply.


If 60000 units were produced in 12 months, the number of grinder machines manufactured in one month is 60000/12 = 5000 grinder machines.

Thus, there is a shortage of 5000 grinder machines—resulting in non-fulfillment of aggregate demand—the state of equilibrium is altered. Ultimately, the shortage in supply and the excessive demand will result in the increased price of grinder machines.

This has been a guide to Aggregate Supply and its Definition. Here we discuss Aggregate Supply meaning, components, shifters, curve, graph, formula, long-run vs. short-run & aggregate demand. You can learn more about it from the articles below –

The final domestic supply curve represents the relation between the volume of goods and price—pertaining to the economy of a nation.

When unemployment levels are high, consumers’ disposable income falls—aggregate demand also falls. Also, in order to match the decrease in demand, the aggregate supply has to be reduced.

Final domestic supply depends on technology changes, prices of factors of production, the productivity of labor, taxes, subsidies, inflation rate, exchange rate, and cheaper import of goods or services.

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