It has often been a topic of controversy that there are so many things that Android phones can do but iPhones cannot. But iPhones are still loved by lots of smartphone users and there is continuous increase in the number of iPhone users. So there’s definitely something with iPhone that Android users aren’t aware of.

Let us find out what pull users towards iPhones, some amazing things which iPhones can do but Android phones cannot.

  • Vibrate Switch:

iPhones have dedicated button to switch between ringer and vibrate, which is an example of deep integration between software and hardware. iPhones are having this button form the time first iPhone was introduced. You will hardly get this switch on android devices. This switch immediately put your iPhone on silent and ringer.

  • iMessages:

Another thing which android users can miss on their devices is iMessages which is one the next level of messaging. iMessages automatically identify users on imessages and from the same message app you can send them messages via internet. Not only this you can send messages with special effects on birthday new year and other occasions and you can even send haptic feedback to other users. You can also transfer money using native messaging app.

  • New image formats save lots of space:

No doubt on most of the Android devices you have an option to add a memory card or you can install a memory booster app but iOS 11 onwards apple has introduced a smart way to save lots of memory on your device. New image and video formats (HEIF and HEVF) takes very less space in comparison with normal images. These formats are a complete play of technology which enable users to store photos and videos in smaller format but when you transfer them to other device they automatically get converted to JPG or JPEG format.

See Also: Best Apps For Portrait Mode On iPhone

  • Multiple sound in multiple speakers:

An Airplay 2 feature launched in beta version on the latest version of iOS 11. When this feature will be live you will be able to play different songs on different devices connected on Airplay. This feature is not Natively available on android devices. Playing different songs on different airplay devices means you can play different music in living room and different music in bedroom at the same time with the same iPhone.

  • Drag drop content:

Another feature about which we will talk about is associated with tablets or iPads on apple iPads now you will get drag drop support. With multitasking you can open more than one application at the same time on an iPad and then you can drag drop content such as images, text and URL. Which cannot be done natively on android devices.

So, these were some features which makes android devices a step ahead from android devices. So far you have understood that there are also few things which iOS devices can do but Android devices can’t.

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