Five Years are Gone—Where Are the Drones?

The inception of each big technology comes with a lot of commitment and challenges. It’s been almost five years since the company announced about Prime Air, their Drone delivery service but it has not turned out in the way how it should have been. Whatever the reason may have been, but it’s worth questioning, right?

And no, the challenges are not over here. According to a survey, which was conducted before the launch of this service it was asked to a majority of individuals that what kind of products will they like to be delivered via a buzzing drone over their head. Surprisingly, there was not a lot of positive response from potential customers. Not taking sides or anything, but just imagine the whole scenario when your package is flying in the air crossing half the city crowd is then landed at your doorstep? Isn’t this too much of risk?

Drones Do Need a Lot of Work!

Talking in 2019, the drone industry is still evolving! So, picturing a whole concept which was thought five years ago may seem like a tough nut to crack. To manage drones, you sure need a certain set of skills, sound knowledge of end-to-end flight systems, a slight knowledge of robotics too maybe. Not just hardware, you also have to be pro on the software end where you can take care of all the functioning, fix bugs without any help. Having a massive force of trained personnel likes surely involves a lot of hard work.

Adding more to the list of worries, climatic conditions will also play a crucial role in drone delivery. All the delivery drones must be well-tested against icy, rainy, snowy or any sort of critical climactic condition. And this whole process needs a lot and a lot of time and on-going development!

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