Where none of the operating systems are barred from Ransomware, Android is taking a step forward to prevent Ransomware from attacking potential users. The new Android Nougat will be coming up with a barricade for the malicious Trojan. According to security researchers, the new Android OS will introduce a condition wherein “resetPassword” API can’t be used to reset the lock screen password. This, apparently, will weaken the Ransomware attacks on Android devices.

Just to give you a glimpse, before this Mac was the only operating system that could manage to fight back with Ransomware.

What new Android Nougat has for you?

No wonder Android N would be bringing great goodies for users. In addition to Daydream VR, Allo, Duo, Google Home and Google Assistance, the new OS has also aptly looked upon security issues. To ensure that the upcoming Android doesn’t fall prey to the scariest malware program, it has put a condition with password reset. resetPassword API can only be used to create a password and not to reset.

For all those who haven’t yet paid heed to the Trojan, it proliferated its attacks on the said OS by resetting its lock screen password. Android.Lockdroid.E was widely seen in the latter half of 2015. It confused the user with a so-called authentic error- GUI and changed the lock screen password. Hence, locking out the user with the access over his phone.

See also Android N Features

Now Android Nougat has addressed the issue. It also ensures that no Ransomware attack will infect an Android device via screen password lockout since there is no Backward compatibility. However, it would be helpless in the case when you haven’t set any password at all. So, this calls forth the cautiousness to set a password on your Android device.

Disinfector tools

Before this new update was rolled out, disinfector utilities have been the major source to help get away with Ransomware. They not only cleaned out the Trojan but also reset the password set by the malware program. Disinfectors also used resetPassword() API to change the password again. Ever since disinfectors also used the same method, they are now bound to break down on Android N.

Preventive measures to avoid Ransomware attack

“Once infected, pays off the ransom”. This has been the scenario up until now. Many of the potential users have paid ransom money to get back their data. On the other hand, a few decryption keys have been made available to retaliate data from Ransomware. However, these also not provide any certainty if they will work. Henceforth, we suggest our users be vigilant against Ransomware instead of taking necessary actions once they are infected with the Trojan.

First and foremost, you should timely backup your data. You can do that using Right Backup app, which will help you save your data on cloud storage. The app is handy and reliable for retaining the data in the cloud. It is designed with some canny features that simplify the work further.

  • Scheduler for automatic data backup.
  • Quick Restoration.
  • Easy, Anytime and Anywhere access over files.
  • Ensures safety and security of data.

Apart from this, you should also:

  • Keep your system software up-to-date.
  • Should not download any app from unfamiliar sites or sources.
  • Be attentive to the permissions requested from apps.

You can get the Right Backup app to backup your data and protect yourself from Ransomware.

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