The very hyped and most famous wireless earphones, Apple AirPods are amongst the most used wireless earplugs, but do you think they are the perfect choice for everyone?

There is no doubt Apple has put in a lot of efforts in the making of this chic looking pair of wireless AirPods. But considering performance aspects, these too are susceptible to problems. AirPods often face problems like call drops, problems while pairing, battery life, difficulties related to Audio and many other. While there are many issues faced with the not so perfect AirPods, there are diagnostics available from them.

In this article, we will walk through the most common problems and their diagnosis related to Apple AirPods. So, if you are an Apple fan, this article is a must-read for you.

Apple AirPods, Common Problems & Their Diagnosis

Problem Relating Pairing

A common issue faced while using AirPods is the difficulty in pairing them with your iPhone or other devices.


Whenever you face pairing problem, the first thing you should do is keep the earphones back in the charging case and wait for few seconds, like 10-15 seconds. In most cases, the problems get resolved.

In case you are still unable to pair them, turn on and off the Bluetooth once and then repeat the above process.

While these two workarounds solve the problem almost all the time, resetting the AirPods is the last resort in case they don’t.

Find My AirPods

While missing AirPods is not a technical issue, it is still the most common problem users face. Owing to the compact size of these wireless earphones, people often tend to misplace them.

While finding this tiny pair of wireless earphones is a difficult task to accomplish, all thanks to Apple for making it easy.

iPhones come with a feature named Find My iPhone that can help you find them. For this:

  • Launch, Find My iPhone app from your iPhone iCloud and log in with your Apple ID.
  • Navigate to Find My iPhone setting in the app.
  • This setting gives you an option to choose AirPods. Post this the app will display a map that tells you the current location of the AirPods or the last location before misplacing them.
  • If you see a green dot that means the AirPods are still on. Simply play any audio to detect their position.
  • In case you get a red light, it means they are off. However, you can still look for them with the help of a map.

Call Drops

Call drop is a major issue faced by any type of earplugs and Apple AirPods is no exception. Even though they provide easy Bluetooth pairing, they still are a victim of call drops.

An easy to do fix for this most annoying issue is trying your luck by taking call only through one AirPod.

Another workaround includes turning on the microphone only for one AirPod.

If both fail, disable one of the AirPod.

Poor Battery Life

Apple AirPods can easily last up to 5 hours in continuous use. While this is remarkable, the bitter truth is gadgets are prone to depreciation. While AirPods perform fantastically well in initial stages, they tend to lose their power with time and hence get discharged much faster.

The best and the easiest solution to this problem is turning on the Automatic Ear Detection. Automatic Ear Detection is a feature that easily puts the wireless earplugs in sleep mode as soon as they are removed from the ears.

Audio Output Along with Android Devices

While Apple AirPods work best with iPhones and other Apple devices, it is a known fact that you can also pair them with your Android devices.

Though we can easily pair them with Android devices, the quality of audio output suffers. The major reason behind is the absence of W1 chips in Android phones that most of the AirPods features use for interacting with the connected devices.

Bluetooth devices have two volume levels namely volume of the audio device and volume of the source device. Since AirPods are not controlled automatically as in iOS devices, the audio quality degrades.

Stock Android users can use volume rockers to control the audio volume. Using them, you can easily locate the Bluetooth connected device by sliding down the volume control screen.

The Last Resort: Reset your AirPods

While there are options to get all the problems resolved, if nothing works, all you are left with is resetting your AirPods.

Let’s see how to reset the AirPods:

  • Put the AirPods in the charging case.
  • Long press the button present at the back of the charging case and wait for the Orange LED to start flashing. Once the lights start flashing, release the button and close the lid.
  • Now place your iOS device next to the AirPods to it. Press the back button again.
  • Post this you will get the pairing screen on your iOS device. Simply tap Connect.

So that was it, the above-mentioned problems are some that most people face while using AirPods. Please read the complete article to know about the common problems and their diagnosis related to AirPods.

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