Apple has developed several techniques that have paved the way for others. Not often. But at times. And those times have been spectacular!

Certain technologies devised by Apple have changed the way we have been using technology. It was Apple who came up with top notch computer systems and continues to rule when powerful computers are concerned. With that said, here are 7 developments by Apple in IT industry that have changed the way we looked at technology.

  • Graphic user Interface:

Apple came up with Mac in 1984 with graphic user interface integrated in it. This became a turning point for users as well as other developers. Apple gave a goal to ideate and develop high end computers which were user-friendly. Soon after, graphic interface became the fashion and was followed by everyone around. Today, we surely can’t imagine a computer without graphic interface and thanks to Apple for introducing such great stuff!

  • Mouse:

Forrest Gump was one lucky guy to have witnessed some of the greatest events in America! Remember his brush with Apple Inc? Well, anyway. Apple introduced the Mouse in the early 1980s. Unlike then, when keyboard was the only input method available for everyone, Apple gave us the mouse as another medium of input. It was well received and soon after became regular. Thereafter, many other mediums were introduced such as touch pad used via human interventions.

  • iPod:

Do we all remember iPod or not! Yeah, the one with all personalized music. It has been one of the most popular gadgets invented by Apple. Although Apple iPod itself couldn’t last for long, yet it paved the way for similar gadgets. Thereafter, Sony happened to develop a similar device which was received well by users.

  • iPad:

iPads were the precursor to tablets. In early 2010, Apple introduced its first Apple iPad, which opened up the way for tablets equipped with different operating systems. Typically, it was in 2010 when Apple brought iPad technology to users, but it can be said to have its origin with its Netwon- MessagePad. However, the later didn’t turn out to be a success for Apple.


  • Augmented reality:

Yes, we know Apple hasn’t put its best foot forward in AR technique. But seems like it has confirmed to come up with something incredible. Lately, a patent has been published, who’s abstract reads as “The invention is related to a wearable information system having at least one camera, the information system operable to have a low-power mode and a high power mode. The information system is configured such that the high-power mode is activated by a detection of at least one object in at least one field of view of the at least one camera”

Following this patent, Apple is up to making a wearable which would feature a camera capturing some nearby object. Further, we might have a gadget equipped with an operating system, camera and AR technique. Woo! If this rumor turns out to be true, then Apple will surely topple all others in AR technology.

These are 5 gadgets/devices/techniques by Apple that have superbly changed everything in the IT world. We hope more such products by Apple in the time to come!

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