Apple and Google are the 2 of the 3 unbeatable kings in the IT sector. The third is obviously Microsoft. While this holy trinity seems to have a dedicated market share with fans who swear by their respective products, there are few instances where we get a chance to have a proper faceoff involving them. With the announcement of iOS 12 and Google’s Android P, one can be sure that comparisons are bound to arise. While there are a lot of differences in the two, there are also many similarities. For this blog’s purposes we shall be coverings features that are similar in the two.

Digital Health:

It’s just about distinctions here: Both iOS 12 and Android P will give you a brilliant dashboard demonstrating the amount of time you’re spending on your phone and which applications you’re opening up the most. It’s sort of a neighbor, non-undermining investigation of your cell phone routines so that your addition with cell phone is monitored. This feature is both smooth and basic in the iOS 12 beta, and truly valuable as well. Till date, the time limit that has been put on the applications work fine and it is expected that Android P will also get this soon. You can also abrogate them so that you don’t feel excessively persecuted.

We haven’t possessed the capacity to test Google’s usage since it hasn’t landed in the Android P beta yet. However, from the screen captures that we’ve seen, and the subtle elements that Google has unveiled, it appears that it will match with Apple soon. So, if you are looking forward to examining or change your cell phone habits, both Android P and iOS 12 can become your savior.


With the out of league Animoji and Memoji, Apple is presently getting past the gimmicky stage. It is not just something helpful but also fun. FaceTime gets group calling too, which will possibly have a major effect. On the flip side, Google’s endeavors for messaging stay buried in perplexity. There was a time when people used to think that Hangouts would be the one application which will leave the rest behind in every facet, but today Google is obviously not meeting the expectations. It is rather putting its efforts to develop something basic such as Android Messages and doomed Allo. Yes, you can organize video chats and utilize emoticons on Android, and iMessage stays hostile to any gadget that is not manufactured by Apple. But if we see things as war of iOS 12 vs Android P then Apple is by all accounts striving forward in messaging. Google appears to be lost and is wandering directionless not knowing which path it is going or looking forward to traversing. Here, Apple clearly wins!


Another triumph for Apple is in the field of AR. iOS 12 has just added some shared experiences to an already effective and strong ARKit stage.  Also, it has added a Measure application to its portfolio, which works exceptionally well. On the other side, Google has ARCore for Android that will probably get updates independently from Android P, we can say that it is missing right now. If you need to play around with AR and AR applications on your phone, iOS is the one to prefer at this moment as Apple has greatly improved record at getting a positive feedback from its clients. But Google seems to lack have one truly executioner highlight. It has extended further the capabilities of Google Maps in AR at I/O 2018 that makes it comparatively easier to understand the directions. This is done for streets by displaying arrows for the corresponding directions on your phone. It positively has us intrigued however—perhaps it’s in the individual applications Google has where it will have the capacity to hook back some ground.

Digital Assistants

It’s likely to state that Google is winning this specific fight in a more extensive sense. However, when it comes to comparison with Apple, it lags behind. It has been claimed that with the launch of the new Siri Shortcuts, a method for refining a cluster of activities into one voice, things will no longer remain same. We’ll need to keep an eye on how it functions and whether clients will accept it with open arms or not! Google Assistant has something comparative with Routines, yet they’re not exactly as smooth as the new Siri highlights seem. The Siri suggestions option available on lock screen as well is yet another feature that looks promising. Android does this occasionally for movement and climate admonitions. However, the execution Apple is claimed to be more engaged and helpful. We cannot deny that Google is approaching the level of the best digital assistants fast but it is Apple that has more useful and preferred stuff.

Face Unlock

Android’s variant of Face Unlock is noted to be advantageous, yet not as secure as fingerprint. Secure face open through Face ID is Apple’s idea, and its iPhone X was the first one to utilize a 3D front facing camera. The iris unlocking that exists in Samsung phones like the Galaxy S9, is viewed as secure, but they exist for Samsung phones exclusively and no other Android phones! Therefore, here as well, iOS 12 has won the war!

There you have it folks! In iOS 12 vs Android P both the beta versions have many promising features. We are sure once launched, they both shall offer something more to the users to make their experience a smooth one.

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