Difference Between Apple Numbers and Excel

Like Excel, Apple Inc. has developed a spreadsheet program known as ‘Apple Numbers,’ which has similar functionality as Microsoft Excel. The data from Apple Numbers can also be used in Microsoft Excel by importing and exporting data. The major difference between both is compatibility. Excel is compatible with both Windows and Mac. In contrast, Apple Numbers are not compatible with Windows.

Spreadsheets are one of the most important tools nowadays in the corporate world. The theme on which such spreadsheets are developed provides tools such as data manipulation and analytical skills to the user. In the 21st century, Microsoft developed spreadsheets, known as “Excel,” Apple Inc. as “Numbers,” and Google as “Sheets,” etc. These spreadsheets have unique features and functionalities that help users store the data, manipulate them, and bring a wise picture.

What are the Apple Numbers?

Apple Numbers is a spreadsheet developed by Apple Inc. based in California. Apple Numbers was launched in 2007 and got popular due to its graphical superiority over other spreadsheets. However, Apple Numbers is much more beneficial for personal purposes.

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What is Excel?

Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft 32 years ago in 1987. It is the most versatile spreadsheet presently available. The best part is that it is an open-source application that even a layperson can use and has a comparatively much easier and user-friendly interface.

Apple Numbers vs Excel Infographics

Key Differences Between Apple Numbers and Excel

The key differences are as follows –

  • Apple Inc. developed Numbers. Microsoft developed Excel.Numbers are operated on the iOS platform. In comparison, Excel is used on Microsoft Windows.Numbers support around 31 languages. In contrast, Excel supports around 91 languages across the globe.Excel works based on various sheets in the workbook, visible as different tabs. However, Numbers work independently based on the data maintained under the multiple tables. Therefore, it may manipulate data by fetching it from other independent tables.Once the data is fed in Excel, it may lose its semantic value, while Numbers can retain the semantic value of the data. For example, suppose we are plotting the data of the car manufacturers in “Column A,” annual revenue figures in “Column B,” and the total revenue figures in the last row of ‘Column B’ to check the share of an individual manufacturer in the market. In that case, the user needs to reference the cells from which data is to be considered, while in Numbers, users may need to provide the name of the manufacturer and their respective annual revenue figures. This feature helps the user reference the manufacturer, and Numbers will automatically plot the data. However, it becomes too difficult to copy the same in all data sets. In comparison, it is easy in Excel.Numbers have 262 inbuilt functions. In contrast, Excel has 400 inbuilt functions divided into 11 broad categories.One can run Numbers only on Mac OS. However, Excel can run both in Mac OS and Microsoft Windows.Numbers are not very user-friendly for large data sets. At the same time, Excel is highly versatile for large data sets and allows easy plotting of all the formulas throughout the data.Apple Inc. has released the latest version of Numbers as 5.3. Microsoft has released the newest version of Excel 2019.

Comparative Table


For the businessperson, spreadsheet usage is highly necessary for day-to-day operations. Major corporations like Microsoft, Apple Inc., and Google maintain the application based on the industry’s use and preferences to prove their product is more versatile and better. Even though Excel has more popularity in the market, Numbers also has its own set of users who like to utilize its functionalities efficiently.

Users will have to verify their needs and perception. Accordingly, they will have to determine the usage of the specific application.

This article is a guide to Numbers vs. Excel. We discuss the top differences between Apple Numbers and Microsoft Excel with infographics and a comparison table. You may also look at the following articles: –

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