What is Appropriated Retained Earning?

In simple words, Appropriate retained earning is the part of the retained earnings that the board has approved of Directors for specific purposes, including research and development, stock repurchaseStock RepurchaseShare buyback refers to the repurchase of the company’s own outstanding shares from the open market using the accumulated funds of the company to decrease the outstanding shares in the company’s balance sheet. This is done either to increase the value of the existing shares or to prevent various shareholders from controlling the company.read more, reduction of debt, acquisition, etc.

The Company can have more than one appropriated account, and different accounts will suggest the purpose of using such earnings. The intention behind having this is that the board clearly defines the purpose of the earnings it has retained (and not given to the shareholders as the dividend). It also shows that the Company has better planning as it specifies the amount it will spend on various activities.

In contrast, unappropriated retained earningsUnappropriated Retained EarningsUnappropriated Retained Earnings are the portions of total retained earnings that have not been set aside by the company’s board of directors for the purpose of utilizing them for a specified purpose and are normally distributed as dividends to the company’s shareholders.read more are part of retained earnings that are not classified for a specific use. Although the retained earnings are specified in various accounts, if there is a liquidationLiquidationLiquidation is the process of winding up a business or a segment of the business by selling off its assets. The amount realized by this is used to pay off the creditors and all other liabilities of the business in a specific order.read more case, such accounts will have no meaning, and all the retained amounts will be available to be paid to the creditors or shareholders.

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List of Appropriated Retained Earnings Accounts

  • AcquisitionsDebt reductionResearch and DevelopmentNew ConstructionMarketing campaignsProduct developmentStock buybackReserve for future lossesReserve for insurance payments/ guaranteesReserve for loan/ bond covenantsBond CovenantsCovenant refers to the borrower’s promise to the lender, quoted on a formal debt agreement stating the former’s obligations and limitations. It is a standard clause of the bond contracts and loan agreements.read more imposed by creditors or bondholders

It should be noted that the Company is not bound by a legal contract to appropriate retained earnings. It’s the prerogative of the Company to set aside the profits of the Company for various purposes. A voluntary transfer of retained earnings is done to multiple appropriated accounts.


  • A pharma company spends the right amount on research and developing new medicines and cures for diseases. They would like to maintain a healthy balance sheet for research purposes. Thus, the Company may decide to appropriate a portion of retained earnings for this purpose such that the shareholders cannot withdraw all the profits. It will ensure the Company can fund its research and development programs without facing a liquidity/ funding crunch.A real estate company in the business of building residential and office spaces must purchase land and build the property. Thus, it can appropriate a portion for purchasing such lands and may use the amount as and when the Company feels an excellent opportunity.

Journal Entries

Let us see how the appropriate retained earnings are recorded in the financial statements. The recording does not involve setting aside cash, but only two different entries are made, i.e., relevant retained earnings and unappropriated retained earnings.

The Board of Directors directs these separate entries.

Suppose a company had to set aside $ 50000 from the retained earnings as a separate account for Research and development purposes. In that case, it will debitDebitDebit represents either an increase in a company’s expenses or a decline in its revenue. read more the retained earnings account and credit the appropriated retained earnings account.

On the balance sheetOn The Balance SheetA balance sheet is one of the financial statements of a company that presents the shareholders’ equity, liabilities, and assets of the company at a specific point in time. It is based on the accounting equation that states that the sum of the total liabilities and the owner’s capital equals the total assets of the company.read more, the retained earnings appropriation appears in the equity section, and it can be shown as below:

As seen above, the appropriated retained earnings do not decrease the shareholders’ equity or the retained earnings but restrict the use of the amount only for a specific purpose.

However, nowadays, the formal use of appropriated earnings is decreasing. Instead, companies mention any such amount in the footnotes to the financial statementsThe Financial StatementsFinancial statements are written reports prepared by a company’s management to present the company’s financial affairs over a given period (quarter, six monthly or yearly). These statements, which include the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flows, and Shareholders Equity Statement, must be prepared in accordance with prescribed and standardized accounting standards to ensure uniformity in reporting at all levels.read more.

For example, – Note 9. Retained earnings restrictions. According to the provisions in the loan agreement, retained earnings available for dividendsDividendsDividends refer to the portion of business earnings paid to the shareholders as gratitude for investing in the company’s equity.read more are limited to $25,000.

Such footnotes appear after the formal financial statements in “Notes to Financial Statements.” So, for example, the Retained Earnings account on the balance sheet would be referenced as follows: “Retained Earnings (see note 7)… $25,000″.

Is Restricted Retained Earnings the same as Appropriated Retained Earnings?

Restricted retained earnings are before retained earnings, which the Company must keep or retain due to a contractual agreement, law, or covenant. A third party requires the Company to retain some amount, and the shareholders can be distributed dividends after such an amount is retained.

Appropriated retained earnings should not be confused with the restricted retained earnings. Since Appropriated retained earnings are voluntary, the company is not bound by a third party to retain such amounts. Also, such appropriation is not bound by contract or law, and it is on the Board of DirectorsBoard Of DirectorsBoard of Directors (BOD) refers to a corporate body comprising a group of elected people who represent the interest of a company’s stockholders. The board forms the top layer of the hierarchy and focuses on ensuring that the company efficiently achieves its goals. read more that such an entry is made in the balance sheet, whereas the contract limits restricted retained earnings.


The retained earnings the company has earmarkedEarmarkedEarmarking refers to a fund allocation practice in which an entity, a government, or an individual sets aside a determined amount of funds to use them for a specific goal. One can do it either via collective or individual decisions.read more for a specific purpose are called appropriated retained earnings. Such appropriation is voluntary by dividing the retained earnings into various headings, denoting the use for which appropriation has been made.

This article has been a guide to Appropriated Retained Earnings and its definition. Here we discuss the list of appropriated retained earnings, practical examples, and journal entries. You may learn more about accounting basics from the following articles –

  • Date of Record for DividendsRetained Earnings FormulaAppropriated AccountProxy Vote