A carbon footprint depicts carbon emissions caused by a person or product directly or indirectly. Reducing Carbon emissions will be helpful to the world, and we need to take the step now. Otherwise, the day is not far ahead of us when we will have more issues like Australian forest fires as seen in last year. This will deprive the next generation from having a healthier environment.

Climate change is real, and we need to act upon it now. The day we start taking initiatives will be the time we can contribute. Each person is responsible, and if not ignoring the fact won’t make any difference. Use these carbon footprint calculators to put your effort to save the environment today:

How To Calculate Your Carbon Footprint?

These easy to use apps made for your smartphone will help reduce the carbon footprint. They will tell you about your participation towards the waste.

1. LiveGreen Carbon tracker

This app will be a great way to calculate your carbon footprints. LiveGreen Carbon tracker will focus on daily activities, including your meals and travel. The results are then converted in rewards as you help in reducing carbon emissions. All you need to do is get this app on your phone, and then enter the meals, and it will show you the meal breakdown, and this will generate results. Also, track the carbon emissions caused by the commute every day. You can also connect this to your Apple Watch to add activities like walking and cycling.

2. Oroeco

Oroeco is one of the carbon footprint calculators, which gives you many options. This also lets you add the inputs from various activities. Track the inputs with your local community to learn if you are emitting more carbon. Also learn the methods to curb this problem and replace the habits with sustainable products. Inspire your community with the rewards, you earn and post on the app. This app will give you several options to add your carbon footprint to be precise. Support the live projects which work on saving the environment.

3. JouleBug:

JouleBug is a wonderful app with great reviews. It is available on Android and iOS both,; therefore all people can join in. The app has the sole purpose of letting people know that their effort makes a difference to the environment. This encourages other people associated with the community in the app. All you have to do is Buzz on the app whenever you do some sort of sustainable activity. You earn different badges and trophies which are good to keep you going. One can participate in local and national competitions more such initiatives to keep earth green.

The post on the app can be shared on Facebook and Twitter for you to share the achievements and inspire others. It shows ways which you use to others and gives you the benefit of learning more sustainable practises from others.

4. Carbon Footprint Calculator

Carbon footprint calculator is one of the good carbon footprint apps for calculating the carbon emissions. The result will help you reduce the carbon emissions as you will learn about your contribution to global warming. The goal is to reduce carbon dioxide production from each house, which is the only way to decrease the hazards ultimately. All you need is to enter the amount of electricity, natural gas, heating oil bills on the app. The carbon footprints are calculator also requires you to enter the number of people living in the household. The ideas are also shown to reduce this consumption of energy which is harmful to the environment.

Ways To Reduce Carbon Footprint

  • Use the recycled stuff
  • Eat local seasonal plants.
  • Move to Sustainable energy
  • Plant more trees
  • Drive Less Or Use Public Transport
  • Unplug Your devices

All in all, remember to unplug your devices; this is the major reason for energy consumption these days. Everyone spends more time on their smartphones, computers, and this creates more carbon emissions.  Using public transport or a carpool to go to the same destination can save fuel. Switching to fewer meat products will help the environment too. Sustainable energy alternatives are always a great option, and everyone must try to include these practices in their daily lives.

Closing lines:

The time when we are all suffering due to our deeds, and we must save our environment at any cost. These carbon footprint calculators should be a must for everyone. As to calculate your carbon footprint will help in showing you the truth about how much more can you contribute to save nature. We think LiveGreen is a good app for iPhone users, while the JouleBug is an interactive app for both Android and iOS users.

We Love To Hear From You

We would like to know your views on this post. Let us know in the comments section below about any other app, which we can use to reduce carbon emission. Please share the article with others to let them know these tips.

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