The more smart home devices, the more you are going to need a smart hub that can act as a centralized spot that would link all Wyze smart home devices. From here on you can then decide to automate a sequence using your smart hub. For instance, you can set the automation for when you lock the door, the smart hub would turn off your living room lights while putting your thermostat on Eco mode.

Most Wyze products use Bluetooth, Wifi, and IFTTT applets for communication protocol. Although Wyze products cannot DIRECTLY connect with the Hubitat platform, you can still connect it, and hundreds of apps. To do this, you have to create custom applets to control Wyze devices from Hubitat through IFTTT.

Apart from that, they can also be integrated, or connected to third-party devices for communication. So is Wyze part of these brands? In this article, we would be looking into this, how you can best integrate them, and what other Smart Hubs are compatible with the company.

Hubitat Capabilities with Wyze

Although Wyze still has its smart hub setup, some customers may already have a Hubitat Hub on standby or are willing to get one. Hubitat is a smart home hub, or an automation ecosystem that doesn’t make use of Wifi, or the internet for automation. This means that controlling your smart home can be done locally therefore you’re safe from data theft or hacking.

Additionally, Hubitat doesn’t need the internet to function, but it can be connected to the internet for third-party integration using an ethernet cable. Just like most smart hubs, Hubitat gives its customers multiple connections, and communication protocols such as ZigBee, Z-wave, LAN, and cloud-based communications.

If this is done right, you can even go as much as getting your Wyze Cam feed on your Hubitat. IFTTT acts as a mediator between the Hubitat Hub, and the Wyze device you want to control. In the next section, we are going to be looking at how you can connect your Wyze to IFTTT, as well as your Hubitat too. 

How Do I Add Wyze To Hubitat Using IFTTT Applets?

If you want to control or connect your Wyze to your Hubitat, you have to use IFTTT to link the device and the smart hub. IFTTT is an interface that allows you to use tiny programs called applets to trigger and execute actions. These actions can be triggered from Hubitat to control your Wyze product. To do this, you need to first connect your Wyze account to IFTTT. 

Connect Wyze Account to IFTTT

How to connect your Wyze Account to IFTTT:

  • Visit the IFTTT official page, or download the app from your Play store or app store.Sign up for an account if you don’t have one.If you already have one, you can search for Wyze under the service tab to link your Wyze account.Click on “Connect”, and a Wyze login page would appear. Log into your Wyze Account.

After this is done, it is now time to link your Hubitat account to the same IFTTT account you created or had. If you would like to learn more about Wyze, check out this article.

Connect Hubitat to IFTTT

How to connect your Hubitat to your IFTTT account:

  • If you are already logged into your IFTTT account, Search for Hubitat IFTTT service.Once you find “Hubitat Elevation Applets”, click on “Services”.Select the “Hubitat IFTTT Service”, and click connect which would take you to a sign-in page.Sign in to your Hubitat account.Select the devices you may want to authorize.

From here, you can create virtual devices with your Wyze products then expose them to IFTTT through Hubitat integration by creating applets to talk to each other.

What Other Smart Home Hubs Are Fully Compatible With Wyze?

Just as we mentioned initially, the Wyze company has its Hub which you can purchase if you find it using your Hubitat platform with your Wyze devices. Some other smart home hubs can also support all your Wyze devices, and you should also consider getting them. 


When selecting a smart hub for your home, you need to first know the type of smart products you want to purchase, and control using that smart hub. If you only want to make use of one smart home device from Wyze, then there is no need to get one, but if you want to own a household of smart home products, you need to get one.