Difference Between Assignor and Assignee

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What is Assignor?

An assignor can either be a person or an entity who transfers the rights it holds or obligations to another entity. In other words, the assignor is the original party to the contract, which passes on both contractual obligations and benefits to another party. The assignor can limit the assignment’s scope of operation and enforce conditions to ensure smooth execution of the assignment. In some of the assignments, the assignor is not completely relieved from the contractual obligations. They are required to provide an assurance or guarantee about the performance of the underlying contract. This means that if the assignee fails to perform the contract’s terms, then the assignor will be obligated to fulfil the same.

Key Takeaways

  • An assignor and an assignee are part of the same contract assignment. Still, the difference between them is that an assignor is the transferor of the rights and obligations of the assignment, while an assignee is the recipient of the rights and obligations.An assignor holds the authority to limit an assignee’s scope of the operation or enforce additional contract assignment conditions.Once the assignment is over, the assignee has to relinquish the rights back to the assignor.

What is Assignee?

An assignee can either be a person or an entity at the receiving end of the transfer of rights and obligations from the original party as per the terms of the underlying contract. It is to be noted that the assignee doesn’t start as one of the original parties to the contract. The assignee receives the rights and obligations directly from the assignor. An assignee can be transferred the right or title to anything, such as real estate, property, intellectual property, etc. The transfer can also be of benefits that are tangible or intangibleTangible Or IntangibleTangible refers to anything with physical existence, i.e., it can be seen, touched, or felt by a person, like furniture and a machinery. In contrast, intangible is anything that is non-physical and invisible; it cannot be touched or felt by a person—for instance, goodwill and trademark.read more in nature. Nevertheless, the rights and benefits of an assignee are purely dictated by the assignor.

Assignor vs Assignee Infographics

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Comparative Table – Assignor vs Assignee

This has been a guide to Assignor vs Assignee. Here we discuss the top 4 differences between assignor and assignee along with infographics. You may also have a look at the following useful articles –

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