With the release of Windows 11 fast approaching, users continue to be surprised with additional features. Just recently AMD released new chipset drivers; Radeon software and Ryzen. These drivers are much welcomed by Radeon game enthusiasts who will enjoy the auto-overlocking function.

  • The new features will be a fresh breeze for Radeon gamers.Extra performance expected from the new feature.The drivers support Windows 11.

More Performance

Users who own either a Radeon RX 6000 or Ryzen 5000 Zen 3 processor stand to benefit from extra performance from the Radeon Software Adrenalin 21.9.1 driver. The auto-overlock function can be found in the ‘tuning’ tab under ‘performance’ on the AMD Radeon software.

Access to Smart Memory

Apart from the auto-overlock feature, the driver is also able to unlock the Smart Access Memory technology. The catch is that the AMD’s Radeon RX 5000 has to be paired on an AMD 500-series motherboard with a Ryzen 5000 or the Ryzen 3000 Zen 2 chips.

Support For Windows 11

Just the other day, Valorant game enthusiasts received the news that Windows 11 will only support TPM 2.0 enabled devices. Unless you enable TPM, you may be locked out. The news comes as a relief that the drivers are already supported by Windows 11.

Although not all Ryzen chipsets are compatible with WIndows 11, the Ryzen chipset is in support for the expected release. Some of the supported chipsets include;

  • TRX40
  • 500-Series
  • X399,
  • WRX80
  • 400-Series
  • 300-Series

A list of incompatible chips include

  • Ryzen 2000G
  • Threadripper parts
  • Mobile 2000U

Have you enjoyed any of the features so far released by AMD? Let us know in the comment section below

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