Excel AutoFit Row Height

Excel has a default row height, but few know how it is determined. The default row height is determined based on the font size set when the Excel file is opened. If no changes are made to the default settings, the default font name is “Calibri,” and the font size is “11”, so the row height is 15 points, equal to 20 pixels.

After working with the worksheet, we may need to adjust the width and height of the rows and columns according to the data structure. We can change the default height and width of the size of the rows as per our requirement. So, in this article, we will show you how to use Excel AutoFit row height.

For example, suppose you have a data set where the text spills out to the other columns as its width is smaller. Excel has certain limitations on height and column width. Hence, when we insert anything that occupies more space than the current size, we can notice that it spills out. In this situation, we can adjust the rows and columns to fit the text in the cell completely using the AutoFit function in Excel that can accommodate the text for multiple columns and rows, adjusting the column width and row height at once.

We need to click on the bottom of the row header to see the row height. It will display the row height of the selected row.

How to Change Default Row Height?

We can change the row height in Excel from 0 to 409 points. So, a common way of changing the row height is dragging the row border upwards to decrease the row height and dragging it downwards to increase the row height.

As we are dragging, we can see the changing points and pixels of row height on a real-time basis.

Once the row height is fixed, we can apply the same formatting to other rows using format painter excelFormat Painter ExcelFormat painter in Excel is a tool used to copy the same format of a single cell or a group of cells to the other cells. You will find it on the home tab in the clipboard section.read more. For example, look at the below rows.

Now, we will change the second-row height to 24 points.

Now, our new height may look like this.

Now, we want the same row height for the remaining row. We will select the entire row by pressing the “Shift + Space” key.

Now, we will click on the “Format Painter” option under the “HOME” tab.

Next, we will apply the format painter brush to all the rows.

We will leave our left-click on the mouse and see the magic.

It has changed the row height of the remaining rows as per the row height of the selected row, i.e., row number 2.

AutoFit Row Height in Excel

Like how we have changed the row height per our preference, we can auto-adjust the row height with a click of a button.

Auto adjustment of the row height depends on the data size of each row cell.

We can also auto-adjust the row height using the other two methods – “Manual Method” and “Shortcut Method.”

  • For example, now we need to adjust the row height of row number 2 to auto-adjust. We will place your cursor at the bottom of the row. Double-click as soon as we see the above four side arrow keys, and our row will be auto-adjusted according to the contents of the row. Similarly, to auto-adjust the row height for the remaining rows, we must select all the rows first. We will double-click on the bottom of any selected rows. As a result, all the selected rows will be auto-adjusted.

After selecting the rows that need to be auto-adjusted under the “HOME” tab, go to the “Format” option and click on the “Format” option drop-down.

From the drop-down options, we choose the option called “AutoFit Row Height.”

Now all the selected row heights are auto-adjusted.

One more method is using excel shortcut key optionsUsing Excel Shortcut Key OptionsAn Excel shortcut is a technique of performing a manual task in a quicker way.read more ALT + O + R + A. After selecting the row’s height that needs to be auto-adjusted, we press the above shortcut key, and our row height will be auto-adjusted.

We do not need to hold keys but press one after the other to auto-adjust the row height.

Things to Remember

  • The default row height depends on the font size we set when opening a new workbook.Row height depends on the size of the content in the rows.

This article has been a guide to AutoFit Row Height in Excel. We discuss how to AutoFit row height in Excel with different methods and practical examples. You may learn more about Excel from the following articles: –

  • Autofit in ExcelExcel Row HeaderCalculating Return on Investment in ExcelExcel Column Auto Width