What is the Bad Debt Expense Formula?

Explanation of Bad Debt Expense Formula

If an organization does its business by selling goods on credit, it always had a risk of non-recoverability of such amount. This non-recoverability is known as Bad debt, and recording such an expense is known as bad debt expense. Bad debt expensesBad Debt ExpensesBad Debts can be described as unforeseen loss incurred by a business organization on account of non-fulfillment of agreed terms and conditions on account of sale of goods or services or repayment of any loan or other obligation.read more equation can be recognized using two methods:

  • Direct MethodAllowance Method/Estimated Method

Direct Method

Under this method, the organization directly records bad debt expense. However, this method is not generally used by the organization since this method does not uphold the matching principle stated in the “generally accepted accounting principleGenerally Accepted Accounting PrincipleGAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) are standardized guidelines for accounting and financial reporting.read more.” Per this principle, expensesExpensesAn expense is a cost incurred in completing any transaction by an organization, leading to either revenue generation creation of the asset, change in liability, or raising capital.read more must be recognized in the same period in which they are booked.


Under the direct method, no formula is required since actual bad debts are recorded in books of accounts as an expense.

Allowance Method/ Estimation Method

Bed debts under this method recognize as a certain percentage of the sale made or outstanding debtors based on their aging and transfer such amount to a separate account known as Allowance for Doubtful debts. When an actual debtor becomes unrecoverable, such an account is debited, and the receivable account balance is reduced by crediting.

Bad debts under the allowance method can be calculated using two methods:

  • Percentage of sale methodPercentage of outstanding debtors

In the percentage of sale method, a certain percentage of the sale is recorded as bad debts expense during every accounting periodAccounting PeriodAccounting Period refers to the period in which all financial transactions are recorded and financial statements are prepared. This might be quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, depending on the period for which you want to create the financial statements to be presented to investors so that they can track and compare the company’s overall performance.read more based on past experience and future estimation.

Formula #1

Bad Debt Expense Formula = Sale for Accounting Period * Estimated % of Bad Debts

In the percentage of the outstanding debtorDebtorA debtor is a borrower who is liable to pay a certain sum to a credit supplier such as a bank, credit card company or goods supplier. The borrower could be an individual like a home loan seeker or a corporate body borrowing funds for business expansion. read more, a certain percentage of debtors is recorded as bad debt expense based on their aging or simply based on how old debtors are. For example, the company will record 1% as bad debts from debtors, not older than 30 days, and 2.5% from debtors, not older than 60 days.

Formula #2

Bad Debt Expense = Outstanding Debtors based on aging * Estimated % of Bad Debts

These two methods are better illustrated with the help of the following examples.

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Examples of Bad Debt Expense Formula (with Excel Template)

Let us consider a situation to understand the examples of bad debt expense equation using a direct method.

Example #1

Sale Expert Co. sold goods on credit to Mr. Smart, amounting to $ 1,200 on credit due in 7 days. After 5 days, the company got news of Mr. Smart’s insolvency as he cannotInsolvencyInsolvency is when the company fails to fulfill its financial obligations like debt repayment or inability to pay off the current liabilities. Such financial distress usually occurs when the entity runs into a loss or cannot generate sufficient cash flow.read more pay his outstanding bank debts. Mr. Smart has confirmed that he will be unable to pay to sell expert co as he does not have enough resources to pay bank debt or sell expert co debt. What accounting treatment should be done by the company to record an unrecoverable debtor?


The company is certain that the amount receivable from Mr. Smart is no longer collectible due to his insolvency; the company should record such non-recoverability as expense in its financial statementFinancial StatementFinancial statements are written reports prepared by a company’s management to present the company’s financial affairs over a given period (quarter, six monthly or yearly). These statements, which include the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flows, and Shareholders Equity Statement, must be prepared in accordance with prescribed and standardized accounting standards to ensure uniformity in reporting at all levels.read more.

The following journal entry should be passed:

Now we will understand the bad debts expense treatment using the allowance method/estimation method:

Example #2

Future first Co. deals with FMCGFMCGFast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) are non-durable consumer goods that sell like hotcakes as they usually come with a low price and high usability. Their examples include toothpaste, ready-to-make food, soap, cookie, notebook, chocolate, etc.read more products. Most of its sales happen on credit with an estimated recovery period of 15 days. The company recorded a sale of $ 145,000 during year 1. The company’s past trend shows that 2% of sales are not collectible.

Suppose in the next accounting period company recorded sales of $ 195,000. There is no change in its bad debt estimation. However, at the end of year 2, the company’s actual bad debt was $5000. Suggest the accounting treatment to be done if the company follows the allowance method of recording bad debt expenses.

First of all, we will calculate the bad debt expense to be recognized in year 1 & 2

Calculation of Bad Debt Expense

  • =145000*2%

Bad Debt Expense will be –

  • =2900

Bad Debt Expense for Year 1&2

  • Bad Debt Expense for Year 1 = 2900Bad Debt Expense for Year 2 = 3900

Total will be –

  • =2900+3900= $6,800

Accumulated balance in the allowance for doubtful debts at the end of year 2 follows –

Now actual bad debts are $5,000; the company will record the following journal entry –

Example #3

Taking the concept of bad debt expense further, let us illustrate a situation where bad debt is recognized based on the aging of debtors.

A local wholesale goods supplier supplies goods in wholesale to retailers. His past trend shows that from debtors not older than 30 days, 2% becomes bad. And from debtors older than 30 days, 3% becomes bad. This estimation remains the same for the current year as well. His debtors for the year is as follows:

  • 0-30 days = $ 76,500More than 30 days = $ 82,500

The whole seller recommends the treatment to be done in books of accounts if he opts for the allowance method for recognizing bad debts.

First of all, we will calculate the number of bad debt expenses to be recognized:

  • =76500*2%

  • Bad Debt Expense = 1530

  • Bad Debt Expense for Year 1 = 1530Bad Debt Expense for Year 2 = 2475

  • = 1530+2475Total bad debt expense to be booked  = $4,005

Journal entry to be recorded in books of accounts:

Relevance and Use

Bad debt expense equation is an accounting procedureAn Accounting ProcedureThe accounting procedure is the process of standardized nature that performs a specific accounting function designed to incorporate better risk management policies to complete these functions efficiently. It includes billings, invoices to suppliers, bank reconciliation, requiring comprehensive and streamlined procedures.read more generally followed in preparing annual financial statements. Its relevance and use can be understood with the help of the following points:

  • The bad debt expense equation helps obtain a true and fair view of financial statements as net profit and debtors are correctly estimated by identifying bad and doubtful debts.Bad debt expense recognized through the allowance method helps the organization keep some funds aside to meet future expenses.The allowance method is based on the matching principle in accounting, so it affirms that financial statements have been made using generally accepted accounting principles.Recovery of bad debts is recognized as income in books of accounts as earlier it was recognized as an expense.

This article has been a guide to Bad Debt Expense Formula. Here we discuss the formula for calculating bad debt expense along with practical examples and downloadable excel template. You can learn more from the following articles –

  • Provision for Bad DebtProvision For Bad DebtA bad debt provision refers to the reserve made by a company to set aside an amount computed as a specific percentage of overall doubtful or bad debts that has to be written off in the next year.read moreWhat is Bad Debt Reserve?What Is Bad Debt Reserve?A bad debt reserve or allowance for doubtful accounts is the amount allocated under the company’s provision made against the accounts receivable recorded in its books of accounts, for which it is more likely that the firm will not be able to collect the money in future.read moreCalculate Debtor DaysCalculate Debtor DaysDebtor Days Formula is used to calculate the average days required to receive the customer’s payments against the invoices issued. Debtor Days Formula =(Average Accounts Receivable / Annual Total Sales) * 365 days
  • read moreNon-Recourse LoanNon-Recourse LoanA non-recourse loan is one in which the borrower must attach some form of collateral security to the loan contract, such as property, equipment, or bank fixed deposits, in order for the loan to be approved. In the event of default, the lender has the right to seize the collateral in order to clear the dues.read more