Excel Bar Chart

For example, we can turn any Excel data into a stacked bar graph that can display comparisons between categories of data, ranking, part-to-whole, deviation, or distribution. It compares parts of a whole with the ability to break down. We can also use the clustered bar chart to represent more than one data series in clustered horizontal columns when the data is complex and difficult to understand. In addition, we can also use a 3D bar chart to provide the chart’s title and define labels and values to make the chart more understandable.

Independent Variable: This does not change concerning any other variable.

Dependent Variable: This change concerns the independent variable.

Mainly there are three types of bar charts in Excel.

  • Stacked Bar Chart: It is also referred the segmented chart. It represents all the dependent variables by stacking them together and on top of other variables.Clustered Bar Chart: This chart groups all the dependent variables to display in a graph format. A clustered chart with two dependent variables is the double graph.3D Bar Chart: This chart represents all the dependent variables in 3D representation.

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Examples to Create Various Types of Bar Charts in Excel

Example #1 – Stacked Bar Chart

We get the following stacked bar chart.

  • First, we must enter the data into the Excel sheets in the table format, as shown in the figure. Then, select the entire table by clicking and dragging or placing the cursor anywhere in the table and press “CTRL+A” to select the whole table. Next, we will go to the “Insert” tab and move the cursor to the insert bar chart option. Under the 2D bar chart, we select the stacked bar chart, as shown in the figure below. We may see the stacked bar chart as shown below. We will add “Data Labels” to the data series in the plotted area. We will click on the chart area to select the data series. Now, as shown in the screenshot, we will right-click on the data series and choose the add data labels to add the data label option. We can move the bar chart to the desired place in the worksheet. Then, we can click on the edge and drag it with the mouse.  We can change the design of the bar chart utilizing the various options available, including changing color, changing the chart type, and moving the chart from one sheet to another sheet.

We will click on the chart area to select the data series.

We can use the “Format Chart Area” to change color, transparency, dash type, cap type, and join type.

Example #2 – Clustered Bar Chart

This example illustrates how to create a clustered bar chartCreate A Clustered Bar ChartA clustered bar chart represents data virtually in horizontal bars in series, similar to clustered column charts. These charts are easier to make. Still, they are visually complex.read more in simple steps.

  • Step 1: As shown in the figure, we must enter the data into the Excel sheets in the Excel table formatExcel Table FormatExcel comes with a number of table styles that you may quickly apply to a table format. In Excel, you can design and use a new custom table style of your choice. read more, as shown in the figure.

  • Step 2: We must select the entire table by clicking and dragging or placing the cursor anywhere and pressing “CTRL+A” to choose the whole table.

  • Step 3: We will go to the “Insert” tab and move the cursor to the insert bar chart option. Then, under the “2D Bar Chart,” select the clustered bar chart shown in the figure below.

  • Step 4: Next, we will add a suitable title to the chart, as shown in the figure.

  • Step 5: Now, we will right-click on the data series and choose the add data labels to add the data label option, as shown in the screenshot.

The data is added to the plotted chart, as shown in the figure.

  • Step 6: We will now apply to format to change the charts’ design using the chart’s “Design” and “Format” tabs, as shown in the figure.

As a result, we can get the following chart.

We can also change the chart’s layout using the “Quick Layout” feature.

Therefore, we will get the following clustered bar chart.

Example #3 – 3D Bar Chart

This example illustrates creating a 3D bar chart in Excel in simple steps.

  • Step 1: First, we must enter the data into the Excel sheets in the table format, as shown in the figure.

  • Step 2: We will now select the whole table by clicking and dragging or placing the cursor anywhere and pressing “CTRL+A” to choose the table completely.

  • Step 3: Next, we will go to the “Insert” tab and move the cursor to the insert bar chart option. Under the “3D Bar Chart,” select the 100% stacked bar chart, as shown in the figure below.

  • Step 4: Now will add a suitable title to the chart, as shown in the figure.

  • Step 5: We will now right-click on the data series and choose “Add Data Labels” to add the data label option, as shown in the screenshot.

Using the format chart area, we will apply the required formatting and design. As a result, we will get the following 3D bar chart.

Uses of Bar Chart

The bar chart in Excel is used for different purposes, including:

  • Easier planning and making decisions based on the data analyzed.Determination of business decline or growth in a short time from the past data.Visual representation of the data and improved abilities in the communication of complex data.Comparing the different categories of data to enhance the proper understanding.Finally, summarize the data in the graphical format produced in the tables.

Things to Remember

  • A bar chart is only useful for small sets of data.The bar chart ignores the data if it contains non-numerical values.It is hard to use the bar charts if data is not arranged properly in the Excel sheet.Bar charts and column charts have a lot of similarities except for the visual representation of the bars in horizontal and vertical format. These can be interchanged with each other.

This article is a guide to Bar Chart in Excel. We discuss how to create different types of bar chart in Excel (stacked, clustered, and 3D), along with examples. You can have a look at other articles on Excel functions: –

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