Undoubtedly, the one-stop platform for all of us to get the information we seek, Google has become our answer to anything and everything. From finding as little info as nearby bank branch to getting the info as big as the new updates given by big giants in the market, we go to Google. No matter what kind of the questions we have or how silly those sound, it always gives us the results we want or at least the most relevant path to reach the answer.

Google has become part of daily tasks we perform and since it has become a go-to tool when we have a query or need to find some info, we need to be a bit careful as well as what kind of content we are searching on the internet. Since it’s the technological era, everything we do online, gets traces at one place or the other. There are chances that our quite confidential info which we wouldn’t share with our family members, is getting tracked online and some exploiter has the access of our data and may use that for his/her benefit. So it’s better if we don’t search on Google something that can lead us to this cause.

Every single day, we hear news about accounts getting hacked, information getting leaked, and god knows what. Now sit back and think that what made these things to reach online in the first place, is a verification step which missed from our end. These minor things can make a major difference in our lives while putting info online or searching any specific content.

Let’s go through a breakdown of things we mustn’t search on Google as they may harm us in some or the other way:

Customer Care Numbers

Everyone has had issues with their service providers, be it a financial institution or the telecom connection or the online order we placed through a shopping app and not everyone has the contact details of the service providers. In this case, our first go-to platform is Google, where we will just type the customer care number of that particular service provider and we will get that.

But hold on!! Are we damn sure that the information we took from Google is accurate and safe to use? We all have heard of online scams and there are fraudsters in the market who are ready to make a big hole in our pocket in no time. They are just waiting for us to share our confidential info with them which can be avoided on condition that we keep ourselves a bit aware of what information we are taking from online links. 

We request you to rely on the official websites more than the search results Google shows with respect to our query.

Online Banking Websites

                                                                      Image source: Citibank online banking website 

Since almost everything is online now these days and we are so used to it that we handle our daily transactions here only. It’s quite convenient for us as well as secure, as the bank affirms. However, we all know that there are an ample amount of fake banking websites on Google which looks just as our bank’s website. The user interface has been designed by the fraudsters in such a way that it’s not easy to understand in one go if the website is secure to visit or not. That is why it’s recommended to search for banking website only if has the correct URL. In case we are visiting the website via Mac / Laptop, the second check can be the lock button (in the URL address) we see on the upper left corner of our screen. we click on the lock and it states that “Connection is secure” that means it’s secure to use this URL address.

Apps or Software

We are in a world where every now and then, we see new updates on our digital devices, be it with reference to the already installed Apps or about the software version we are using currently. In the digital world, malware is the common and frequent issue which gets stronger day by day and keeping this in mind, we must download the apps or software on our devices from trusted sources such as Google Play Store or the URLs which we are already familiar with. Know that downloading something on our device from an unknown source may open gates for malware to play with our device and outcome won’t be something we will appreciate.


It’s quite impressive to experience the things we can do by being at home and having internet access. One of those things which are quite common these days is to order online medications. There is nothing wrong to go through the medical symptoms and order online, it’s advisable that we visit the health consultant or the doctor and get proper treatment. The medical terms or the online medication given on the internet can be a bit confusing at times which can lead to severe health issues.

There are a few amazing apps in the market which let us filter out the doctors nearby our location, according to the health issues we are facing.

Weight Loss Tips

Everyone wants to be physically fit yet most of us don’t exactly know the meaning of being physically fit. Some think that if we got a nice pack of abs, we are fit and few connect physical fitness with the body weight and being a gym freak. Everybody wants to lose weight and we all know that there are an ample amount of tips and tricks given on Google as how to lose weight. 

It is unsafe to buy any medicines online for losing weight, at least not without proper consultation from the dietitian. Consuming any medication without any medical consultations may lead to health problems we can’t control. So it is advisable that we visit our dietitian or medical consultant who can guide us proper on this subject.

Stock Market Or Financial Advice

Everyone wants to have financial freedom yet few of us want to manage the personal finances only. Since not all of us are trained in this field, we either get training for the field or we outsource this to a third party. For that to happen, we search for different platforms on Google who claims to be the pros in this field and there are thousands of companies providing millions of solutions to be financially free. Since we need to fill some of our confidential info on their website to go to the next step and there is a chance that the info we just provided, can be used against us as we have no clue about the credibility of the company or the platform we used. Since we all know that we will find fraudulent in every part of the world, how can this go untouched? So be a bit aware to share the confidential info and try not to search for these subjects on search engine.

Government Websites

                                                                                              Image source: SpyreStudios

Every now and then we read, see, or experience that scammers track everything we do and since we all know that they operate their scams by using data so government websites are a cake for them where they can find an ample amount of information. Like municipality tax, public hospitals, centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and etc. are the areas which are filled with enormous and valuable information. So it’s advisable not to use these websites on Google unless we are damn sure about the exact URL of the website.

Avoid Logging Into Social Media Sites Through Google

Social media is something which connects all of us no matter how far we all are. It keeps us engaged and thus we have become so addicted to it that we cannot imagine our day without using this. There are so many platforms to get connected with your loved ones i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat, LinkedIn and the list goes on and on. With more platforms, comes the possibilities of phishing as it’s not something new that someone else has hacked our account and posted some content which is not under the policies of that particular platform resulting in banning our accounts. It doesn’t happen every now and then but it’s better if we don’t log in through Google as it might be a bit perilous. It’s always safe if we do perform this task via using the apps from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Shopping Offers

Believe it or not but all of us wait for the big sales to reach us out or lucrative shopping offers which will make us go a step ahead and buy something or the other. Sometimes, not because we need it, because it’s in our budget now, thanks to the big sale. Be it Black Friday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year, when all the e-commerce players in the market comes up with new and attractive offers and simultaneously, the fraudsters also comes into action with false web-pages and a treat to the eyes offers which we can’t ignore. This pattern has been going on for years and people are getting fooled by this which results into a bogus offer and a waste of time as well as money. This way they might steal our personal information including our name and banking details. And guess what!! that’s the only info they need to make their plan work. So let’s be a bit well informed as to where we are putting our personal or banking information as it will keep us one step ahead of the fraudsters.

Antivirus Apps

                                                                                                Image source: Gizmodo

Since there are thousands of different websites and apps according to our needs and preferences, there are unnumbered fake products on the market that claim to be the pros in their field as well. As we all need safety to our digital devices, one of the terms we hear most often is “Free Antivirus app”. It is always advisable to use paid service than to use a free app as we don’t want to compromise on our personal details being shared with a platform which we don’t approve of trust.

Coupon Codes

This aspect is also same as online shopping offers which might show us amazing discounted offers and lead to a URL which isn’t secured to visit. By leading to their website, using discounted offer, they might steal our banking information and this might cost us big time.


We all are aware that being the biggest search engine in the world, Google also have the advantage of being the largest advertising platform and it is. If we search porn or related stuff on Google, a related advertisement may pop up afterwards even when we are visiting a normal website. So it is advisable not to search for porn or anything on Google which might embarrass us later on with porn-related ads (based on our browsing history) when we are in a professional environment like in our office.

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