Often, legal firms are plunged with overwhelming loads of backlog to clear. But, because of the time constraints involved, lawyers and clients get frustrated. On one hand, there are paid-for legal professions who owe duty of skill and care to time-sensitive clients and on the other are clients who (wish to) entrust their legal issues to lawyers to be solved in the shortest time possible albeit the slow motion systems used.

Billable hours — a first of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa — is a small Enterprise Resource Planning system for law firms that computerizes the entire workflow of a law firm; right from the moment a client walks in, opening of a case file, to detailed step-by-step carrying out of the tasks pertinent to the case, to actual costing in relation to time. Finally, calculation of expenses accrued to final generation of a completely itemized bill. This sets base for invoice creation in whatever accounting software used.

Currently supported on Windows systems and internet supported devices, Billable hours enables real-time collaboration amongst workers in the legal firm hence cutting out the need for constant and tiring transfer of documents from one tray to another. This kind of digitization enables automatic recording  and storage of  relevant information shared between a  lawyer or legal profession with client on a daily basis. Also, there is promotion of customer relationship from https://workerscompcalaw.com/disability-benefits-long-beach/ because of the case overview a lawyer would be having at hand about a particular case. This builds clients confidence as well as portraying a desired impression of the legal firm.

All of these features are a click away; comprehensive case file management, scheduling and management of important dates, tracking of work done on case files, client details management, tracking of phone communications, document management with version control, tracking of time and expenses and bill generation

Editor’s note: For more information about Billable Hours contact James Makumbi of Billable limited at  jmakumbi[at]hotmail[dot]com