Bloomberg Market Concepts or BMC

Bloomberg Market Concepts examination is a self-paced online course introducing finance fundamentals to aspiring finance professionals. In addition, there have been many courses and online and contact programs designed to make students and entry-level professionals acquainted with the basic principles of finance and better equipped to deal with professional challenges in finance.

This course by the Bloomberg Institute is a globally acknowledged institution engaged in disseminating information on various financial domains and helping professionals develop their skills and capabilities in the desired manner. Bloomberg Market Concepts is a specialized online course that focuses primarily on market concepts and is best suited for anyone willing to develop a market-oriented career.

In this article, we will elaborate on the outline, structure, and contents of this course and discuss potential benefits for the participants.

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What Bloomberg Market Concepts?

  • Bloomberg Market Concept is a fast-paced e-learning course by Bloomberg completed within a week, and the participants are awarded a certificate of completion at the end.This course primarily includes 8 hours of video tutorials that utilize Bloomberg data, indices, analytics, and news stories to impart market essentials to the participants.The course material is divided into four modules dedicated to specific market sectors, and participants are presented with 120 assessment questions throughout the modules.Another major attraction of the course is that it introduces participants to the Bloomberg Terminal, which financial services firms often employ for displaying, reading, and interpreting financial data of various types.

Bloomberg Market Concept E-Learning Format

What makes this course so popular and easy to administer is the kind of flexibility it offers. One can pursue and complete it through a Bloomberg Terminal at the university campus by multitasking at work or taking time to complete the course at home. However, it is strongly recommended not to take the procedure delicately and devote time to analyze the contents and master them to take full advantage of acquiring useful knowledge, skills, and capabilities.

You can access flash to view the online content. However, it is favorable to utilize a PC or laptop rather than a tablet or smartphone. Moreover, the learning material in videos is unconventional in that they explain while writing on the blackboard and illustrate the concepts. Instead, they utilize case studies, Bloomberg data, analytics, indices, and news stories to present the ideas and applications. Additionally, Pimm Fox and Monica Bertran of Bloomberg Institute are video narrators to make it easier for participants that understand and grasp the content and their concepts effortlessly.

Why is Real-World Case Studies Utilized in BMC?

One might wonder why Bloomberg depends on real-world case studies to illustrate the concepts included in the course. One of the primary reasons has been to make it more engaging and relevant to the participants. When they study significant real-life events like the Great Depression, Bretton-Woods, and the more recent global meltdown, memorizing the concepts becomes much easier in that context. Additionally, the knowledge of real-world scenarios can also help participants while appearing for interviews.

Bloomberg Market Concepts Examination Course Modules

Source: Bloomberg Institute.

BMC consists of 4 primary modules:

  • Economic Indicators Economic IndicatorsSome economic indicators are GDP, Exchange Rate Stability, Risk Premiums, Crude Oil Prices etc. read moreCurrenciesFixed IncomeEquities

As a beginner, gaining an insight into these market sectors can be immensely helpful and rewarding. However, it should not be considered a comprehensive treatment of any of these sectors in any case. The course content is more or less introductory, with enough information presented with real-world illustrations and graphics, which may help get going conveniently.

This course also introduces participants to the Bloomberg Terminal, which commonly employs financial services firms. With the course contents, participants are introduced to new Bloomberg Terminal functions at every step, helping retrieve, display, read, and interpret data on the terminal. That offers a kind of limited practical exposure to Bloomberg Terminal, which later can be accessible.

Each of these modules consists of several sub-modules and expects participants to acquire knowledge of at least one sub-module per class. Now, let us give a brief overview of each of the primary modules to understand readers about the learning course.

BMC Module I: Economic Indicators

source: Bloomberg Institute

Brief Overview:

  • The module helps understand the significance of primary economic indicators and how investors use them to understand their health.Helps to get the format in which economic indicators are published and analyze them.Acquire an understanding of good economic indicators.Techniques to study economic indicators.


Economic Indicators’ is divided into three sub-modules, namely:

1.   The Primary GDP

2.   Monitoring GDP

3.   Forecasting GDP

A brief outline of each of the sub-modules also be appropriate here:

Real GDPReal GDPReal GDP can be described as an inflation-adjusted measure that reflects the value of services and goods produced in a single year by an economy, expressed in the prices of the base year, and is also known as “constant dollar GDP” or “inflation corrected GDP.“read more growth is an economic indicator of crucial significance for investors, apparently showing current and future growth prospects. Moreover, since GDP growth is cyclical, it helps investors understand where the economy stands in this cyclical growth.

Despite its apparent significance, GDP figures represent the state of the economy ‘as it was a while ago, rather than its current status. That is known because GDP figures are calculated every quarter, and it needs time for authorities to come up with the exact model and announce it openly. Instead, monthly indicators, including PMI and non-farm payrollsNon-farm PayrollsA non-farm payroll is a report detailing the employment situation in the United States which is published on a regular monthly basis by Bureau of Labor Statistics. They publish it on the of the first Friday of every month at 8.30 am Eastern more, quickly reported, attract wider attention amongst investors. These are usually closely tied with GDP and can significantly impact.

Analysts often publish the likelihood of the performance of economic indicators. Though its nature is erroneous, these estimates are often based on simulated economic models, which provide a general overview of how the economy will likely perform quickly. Investors try to assess the economy’s mood based on how pessimistic or optimistic are prevailing indicators plus the future assessments of leading experts. That helps them identify possible inflection points and base critical economic decisions on them.

Look at Top 10 Economic Indicators Economic Indicators Some economic indicators are GDP, Exchange Rate Stability, Risk Premiums, Crude Oil Prices etc. read more to Watch

Bloomberg Terminal Functions for Module I

BMC Module II: Currencies

Brief Overview:

  • Provides an inside view of the history of currency marketsCurrency MarketsFor those wishing to invest in currencies, the currency market is a one-stop solution. In the currency market different currencies are bought and sold by participants operating in various jurisdictions across the world. It is important in international trade and is also known as Forex or Foreign more and how they perform.Helps identify specific vital points which might drive the currency evaluationBanks and the banking sector played a role in sizeable ineffective management of inflation and deflationDeflationDeflation is defined as an economic condition whereby the prices of goods and services go down constantly with the inflation rate turning negative. The situation generally emerges from the contraction of the money supply in the more at their very source.Aims at developing an understanding of the role of currency markets in influencing the fortunes of businesses and investors and can do so to avoid currency-related risks.

The Currency Market Mechanics sub-module introduces participants to the complex mechanics of currency markets and several interlinked currencies to allow FX trades. In previous times, any currency was solely pegged to the US Dollar for the kind of stability and liquidity it offers. In turn, the US Dollar was locked to gold at a specific price. However, since 1971, the US dollar suspended the gold conversion window, and the whole process has undergone a sea-change as many currencies have been free-floating. Instead, these currencies float in a matrix of pairs valued through a process known as triangular arbitrageArbitrageArbitrage in finance means simultaneous purchasing and selling a security in different markets or other exchanges to generate risk-free profit from the security’s price difference. It involves exploiting market inefficiency to generate profits resulting in different prices to the point where no arbitrage opportunities are more. Nevertheless, nearly 85% of all currency trades still involve USD and are often employed as a significant currency to convert two less liquid currencies.

The currency valuation section helps understand the intricacies and efficiently allows the currency marketCurrency MarketFor those wishing to invest in currencies, the currency market is a one-stop solution. In the currency market different currencies are bought and sold by participants operating in various jurisdictions across the world. It is important in international trade and is also known as Forex or Foreign more to perform. As indicated, the direct link between paper currencies and gold was broken down in 1971. Therefore, all currency valuations are quoted purely as relative to other currencies. It has to be understood that all goods and services should cost almost the same in the long run, irrespective of the location. 

In the short run, these are influenced by three leading factors that gain interest to investors: –

  • Sudden changes in interest rates.Sudden changes in inflation.Sudden changes in quantities of trade.

Due to all other things being equal, currencies with higher interest rates, lower inflation, and higher net exportsNet ExportsNet exports of any country are measured by calculating the value of goods or services exported by the home country minus the value of the goods or services imported by the home country. It includes various goods and services exported and imported by the government, like machinery, cars, consumer more tend to be attractive.

Central banks and currencies sub-module deal with the role of central banks in managing national currencies. Participants can learn how central banks regulate short-term interest rates influencing currency valuation. Commonly, in developed economies, a goal of 2% inflation is set to control the risk of inflation and deflation. However, the latter can also be harmful since people lose interest in purchasing, affecting economic activity and growth.

Nearly any business or investor involved in cross-border monetary transactions are affected by currency movements. Historical volatility and currency rate forecasts are considered for understanding the currency risk. In addition, it explains how such investors and businesses can enter into forwarding agreements to minimize or avoid the risk of currency-related losses.

Bloomberg Terminal Functions for Module 2

BMC Module III: Fixed Income

  • This section is dedicated to understanding the history and dynamics of the bond market and become the biggest and most complex market in the world.Understanding that yields facilitate comparison across a diverse and complex bond market.Participants can learn about how central banks fix the interest rates.The bond valuation method is driven by interest rates and key factors, including creditworthiness and inflation.


This section introduces fixed income instruments and explains the representation of loan agreements where the borrower promises to pay fixed, pre-agreed repayments at a specific future date. Governments often issue bonds to secure public loans for various purposes that are secure and offer a higher level of liquidity. To compare the income from bonds, investors scrutinize their respective yields.

This section helps understand the valuation of bonds and what fears and considerations influence investor decisions.

This segment deals with the measures of bankers and their regulations that keep interest rates in check that have an expected impact on the bond market. Central banks usually monitor the current level of inflation and deflation and regulate interest rates and try to understand where investors think the interest rates are headed.

This section explains what the yield curve isWhat The Yield Curve IsA yield curve is a plot of bond yields of a particular issuer on the vertical axis (Y-axis) against various tenors/maturities on the horizontal axis (X-axis). The slope of the yield curve provides an estimate of expected interest rate fluctuations in the future and the level of economic activity. read more and how it affects bond markets. The yield curve depicts the cost of borrowing for various periods. It describes when businesses or individuals borrow, the interest rates on loansLoansA loan is a vehicle for credit in which a lender will give a sum of money to a borrower or borrowing entity in exchange for future more are determined by the government borrowing rate.

The movements in the yield curve deal with activities in the yield curve and mean for individuals, businesses, and governments. The left-hand end of the turn is based on the interest rates set by the central bank and is fixed. However, the right-hand end of the curve represents investors’ beliefs about where interest rates will set off. Participants may learn to interpret the yield curve and study the intricacies of the bond market.

Also, see Bond PricingBond PricingThe bond pricing formula calculates the present value of the probable future cash flows, which include coupon payments and the par value, which is the redemption amount at maturity. The yield to maturity (YTM) refers to the rate of interest used to discount future cash more.

Bloomberg Terminal Functions for Module 3

BMC Module IV: Equities

  • Introduces participants to the fundamentals of equity marketsEquity MarketsAn equity market is a platform that enables the companies to issue their securities to the investors; it also facilitates the further exchange of these stocks between the buyers and sellers. It comprises various stock exchanges like New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).read more and how they perform.Includes calculating equity index performance from the performance of specific stocks.Explains how and why equities are more volatile than bonds and why equity ownership is an attractive proposition.Explains the crucial role of industry and supply chainSupply ChainA supply chain refers to a process beginning with the procurement of raw materials and the production of finished goods and ending with their distribution and more analysis in equity researchEquity ResearchEquity Research refers to the study of a business, i.e., analyzing a company’s financials, performing Ratio Analysis, Financial forecasting in Excel (Financial Modeling), & exploring scenarios to make insightful BUY/HOLD/SELL stock investment recommendations. Moreover, the Equity Research Analysts discuss their findings & details in the Equity Research Reports. read more.Elaborates on three types of relative valuation and future earningsEarningsEarnings are usually defined as the net income of the company obtained after reducing the cost of sales, operating expenses, interest, and taxes from all the sales revenue for a specific time period. In the case of an individual, it comprises wages or salaries or other more growth in assessing real value.


This section explains how companies list themselves on the stock exchange Themselves On The Stock ExchangeStock exchange refers to a market that facilitates the buying and selling of listed securities such as public company stocks, exchange-traded funds, debt instruments, options, etc., as per the standard regulations and guidelines—for instance, NYSE and more through IPOs to raise money or sell their stakes. Companies may also be delisted if acquired, bankrupt, financial mismanagement, etc. In addition, how investors follow the stock market through indices that track selected stocks strongly influences investor decisions.

The nature of the equities section delves into the spirit of equities. It explains the procedure of increasing the volatilityVolatilityVolatility is the rate of fluctuations in the trading price of securities for a specific return. It is the shift of asset prices between a higher value and a lower value over a specific trading period. read more of equities over bonds since they did not have any fixed income repayments, and their growth depends on the company’s performance. Equity owners can benefit in two ways if the company profits and stock prices escalate through dividend payments.

This section deals with the complicated subject of equity research, which involves industry-level analysis before studying various financial projectionsVarious Financial ProjectionsFinancial projection is a statistical forecast of a company’s future revenue and expenditure based on historical market patterns, internal factors, data interpretation, anticipated market developments, and experiences. To meet production or sales targets, both short-term and long-term financial estimates are sometimes more, revenues, costs, and earnings to identify suitable stocks for investments.

It explains the role fundamental valuation plays in equity market investments. Total  valuation ValuationThe term “absolute valuation” refers to a method of business valuation that uses DCF analysis to determine the firm’s fair value based on its projected cash more tends to look for short-term tangible gains over long-term probabilistic gains, which can be difficult to rely on. It offers an exciting perspective on valuing stocks and deriving their value based on the more immediate performance of the company.

Compared to the company’s current historical valuation, relative valuation leads to somewhat subjective and intuitive results than objective ones. That is derived by multiplying the estimated  earnings per shareEarnings Per ShareEarnings Per Share (EPS) is a key financial metric that investors use to assess a company’s performance and profitability before investing. It is calculated by dividing total earnings or total net income by the total number of outstanding shares. The higher the earnings per share (EPS), the more profitable the company more with what investors consider a fair P/E ratioP/E RatioThe price to earnings (PE) ratio measures the relative value of the corporate stocks, i.e., whether it is undervalued or overvalued. It is calculated as the proportion of the current price per share to the earnings per share. read more.

Also, check out Price to Book ValuePrice To Book ValuePrice to Book Value Ratio or P/B Ratio helps to identify stock opportunities in Financial companies, especially banks, and is used with other valuation tools like PE Ratio, PCF, EV/EBITDA. Price to Book Value Ratio = Price Per Share / Book Value Per Share read more.

Bloomberg Terminal Functions for Module 4

Bloomberg Market Concept – Course Fee

  • For students, this online course costs only $149. At the same time, professionals are liable to pay $249.Ideally, it takes around 8 hours-12 hours to complete the course. It is recommended to dedicate sufficient time to understand the contents properly.

Benefits of this BMC Course

  • Gaining familiarity with key market concepts.Becoming well-acquainted with the financial language employed in the industry.Learning with the help of real-world case studies to gain a practical understanding.Understanding key industry benchmarks for professionals.Mastering more than 70 Bloomberg Terminal functions to become industry-ready.Receiving a certificate of completion at the end of the course.

Bloomberg Market Concept – Sample Certificate

Below is the sample certificate you get after completing the Bloomberg Market Concept examination.


Bloomberg Market Concept is a fast-paced e-learning course by Bloomberg that offers flexibility to pursue exams whenever students desire. This exam provides a real-life case study based on learning about equities, currencies, fixed incomeFixed IncomeFixed Income refers to those investments that pay fixed interests and dividends to the investors until maturity. Government and corporate bonds are examples of fixed income more, and economics. Additionally, it teaches Bloomberg Terminal functions essential for immediate jobs in Investment BankingJobs In Investment BankingThe entry-level investment banking jobs for graduates mainly belong to categories such as markets, specialist markets, investment management, corporate banking, risk management, structured finance, technology, operations, private wealth more, Equity Research, etc. 

Though, it is strongly recommended not to take the course insensitively. Instead, reserve dedicated time to scrutinize the contents and expertise to take full advantage of acquiring absolute valuation formulas, useful knowledge, skills, and capabilities.

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