What are Bonus Shares?

Bonus Shares Examples

Below are examples of bonus shares.

Example #1

Suppose a company equity account in balance sheetBalance SheetA balance sheet is one of the financial statements of a company that presents the shareholders’ equity, liabilities, and assets of the company at a specific point in time. It is based on the accounting equation that states that the sum of the total liabilities and the owner’s capital equals the total assets of the company.read more looks like this before bonus issue:

  • Ordinary SharesOrdinary SharesOrdinary Shares are the shares that are issued by the company for the purpose of raising the funds from the public and the private sources for its working. Such shares carry voting rights and are shown under owner’s equity in the liability side of the balance sheet of the company.read more 1,000,000 at $1 each = $1,000,000Share Premium Account = $500,000Retained Profit = $1,500,000

The company decided to give a 1:5 bonus, meaning shareholders will receive 1 share out of 5. So, in total new bonus shares issues will be 1,000,000/5 = 200,000

Total new share capital = 200,000*1 = $200,000

This $200,000 would be deducted from the Share Premium Account.

So new equity account after the bonus issue will look like below:

  • Ordinary Shares 1,200,000 at $1 each = $1,200,000Share Premium Account = $300,000Retained Profit = $1,500,000

Example #2

Suppose company A’s equity account in balance Sheet looks like below before issuing bonus:

  • Ordinary Shares 1,000,000 at $1 each = $1,000,000Share Premium Account = $500,000Retained Profit = $1,500,000

The company decided to give a 1:1 bonus, which means shareholders will receive one share out of each share held. So, in total new bonus issues will be 1,000,000

Total new share capital = 1,000,000*1 = $1,000,000

This $1,000,000 would be deducted from the Share Premium account and retained earnings.

  • Ordinary Shares 2,000,000 at $1 each = $2,000,000Share Premium Account = $0Retained Profit = $1,000,000

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Bonus Shares Issue Journal Entries

The Company announces Bonus Shares in the form of a ratio, i.e., 1:2, this means every Shareholder who has 2 Shares. Hence if a Shareholder has 1,00,000 shares in his account, the Bonus = 1,00,000*1/2 = 50,000. So his total Holding would be 1,00,000 + 50,000 = 1,50,000 of which 50,000 Shares are allotted free of Charge.

In the above case, Let’s say if the first 1,00,000 shares have been bought at $10 = 1,00,000*$10 = $1,000,000. Cost of 50,000 Shares = Nil. So Total Cost of 1,50,000 Shares = $10,00,000 thereby reducing the average cost to ~6-6.5 per share.

Below mentioned are some of the Journal Entries that need to be passed after issuing Bonus Shares:

  • If the Issue is out of Retained EarningsRetained EarningsRetained Earnings are defined as the cumulative earnings earned by the company till the date after adjusting for the distribution of the dividend or the other distributions to the investors of the company. It is shown as the part of owner’s equity in the liability side of the balance sheet of the company.read more (Face Value = $1)

  • If the issue is out of Security Premium A/c

  • Entries to be passed by the Shareholders in their Books of Accounts:

No Entries need to be passed. Just increase in the Holdings of the Shares with a Nil Costing. The Investor will show his Investments at the same value, but his average Cost of the Acquisition will decrease drastically since the Bonus shares are allotted free of charge.

Differences Between Right Issue and Bonus Issue

  • Right issues are for existing shareholders by raising additional capital by a corporation. These are to be issued from additional reserves and retained earnings.The right issue is issued to pump up additional capital, while bonus shares are issued as a gift to shareholders.Right shares are usually issued at a lower rate than the market, while bonus shares are issued at a proportion of originally issued shares and are free of cost.


  • Companies with low cash also can issue bonus shares instead of cash dividendsCash DividendsCash dividend is that portion of profit which is declared by the board of directors to be paid as dividends to the shareholders of the company in return to their investments done in the company. Such a dividend payment liability is then discharged by paying cash or through bank transfer.read more.Company’s share capital size increases by issuing bonuses.It reduces the risk of allocating the retained profit into some loss-making projects.It increases liquidity, and thus shares price may increase following bonus issues.It boosts confidence among investors.If companies issue dividends, shareholders will have to pay tax on those dividends, but they need not pay tax on the bonus shares until they sell them.


  • This does not generate any cash, but a total number of outstanding shareOutstanding ShareOutstanding shares are the stocks available with the company’s shareholders at a given point of time after excluding the shares that the entity had repurchased. It is shown as a part of the owner’s equity in the liability side of the company’s balance sheet.read more capital increases; thus, if the company issues dividends in the future, then the dividend per share reduces.There can be the issue of overcapitalizationOvercapitalizationOvercapitalization refers to a scenario wherein a Company raises a capital amount that is way more than the worth of its fixed assets. It means that a Company’s capitalized value becomes more than that of its actual market value. read more because of a greater number of shares.This is taken out of retained earnings. This retained earnings could be used for any new acquisition or a profit-making project, which could increase shareholders’ wealth.

Important Points

  • It does not affect the total cash position of the company.Share market price reduced by the same proportion of that bonus share issue after the issuance date.Cash starved companies can use bonus shares issuance to reward its shareholders.It does not change the total equity position in the balance sheet of the company.


Bonus Shares are helpful for companies in a way that cash-starved companies can issue shares without spending any cash. It increases liquidity also and increase shareholders’ confidence also. But this move dilutes the capital even further. Because of dilution earning per share and dividend per shareDividend Per ShareDividends per share are calculated by dividing the total amount of dividends paid out by the company over a year by the total number of average shares held.read more decreases for the shareholders.

This has a guide to What are Bonus Shares and its Meaning. Here we discuss examples of Bonus Shares along with advantages and disadvantages. You can learn more about from the following articles –

  • Right Issue vs Bonus IssueShares PremiumPremium on StockStock Warrant