Brownfield Investment Definition

Generally, any foreign government or a corporation looking to invest in a foreign asset has two routes: investing through the securities market, in the form of Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI), or through FDI. Within FDI, there are Greenfield and Brownfield modes.

In Greenfield, the investors start from scratch by obtaining land and building the plant on their own, while in Brownfield, they use an existing infrastructure either through purchase or through a merger with a local counterpart.

Example of Brownfield Investment

The Sugar Beach in Toronto, Canada, is an example of Brownfield investment in which the pre-existing parking lot of Jarvis Street Slip was converted to a beach park on Lake Ontario. The beach site was redeveloped and opened to the public in 2010 at $14 million.

The beach was redeveloped as a part of the ‘Toronto Waterfront revitalization initiative’ by the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities so that the underutilized or abandoned industrial sites could be put to better use and generate some revenue.

Apart from leisure and recreational activities, the beach also hosts an annual movie festival hosted by the Toronto Port Authority.

Other such initiatives by the same authority have led to the development of Sherbourne Common, Simcoe Wave Deck, and Corktown Common.

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  • Time-saving: As the investor doesn’t need to build the infrastructure, the time taken to initiate production is reduced.Local Intelligence: In the case of a merger with a local company, the benefits of local knowledge add to the advantage of the investor as they don’t need to do ground-level research to understand the local needs and requirements.Boost to the local economy: Due to the quicker initiation of production, the local economy boosts quickly from increased jobs and increased GDPEnvironmental benefits: The local environment is better as the investor helps clean up the hazardous waste of past industrial activities, which would deteriorate if left neglected. This is done in the case of the Brownfield redevelopment process, where the land previously used for some other purpose is redeveloped for a new use and helps in better aesthetics and community environment.Renovation: Old, dilapidated buildings get renovated, and therefore it reduces the risk of their falling apart and causing a loss of life and property.


  • Local regulations: At times, when investment takes place in emerging economies, the local regulations are less liberal than those of developed economies, leading to a lack of ease in doing business.Outdated facility: At times, the abandoned facility has lower utility for the new product to be undertaken and, therefore, may become a hurdle to the optimum production level. It may cost almost the same to redevelop a Brownfield land as it might to make a greenfield investment.Repatriation laws: In the case of several emerging economies, the local repatriation laws are highly restrictive, leading to a lack of profits that can be taken back to the country of the investor, and therefore the investor requires ample avenues to utilize the profits locally. This can reduce the willingness of the investor to invest in the country.Cleanup Costs: Even though the cleanup of pre-existing hazardous or contaminated waste benefits the local community, the costs are borne by the investor, which is an added disadvantage. However, it is a trade-off between a complete development or redeveloping the existing facility.

Brownfield vs Greenfield Investment

  • Nature of investment: In Greenfield investmentGreenfield InvestmentGreenfield investments are a type of foreign direct investment where a company starts its operation in the other countries as its subsidiary and invests in the construction of offices, plants, sites, building products, etc. thereby managing its operations and achieving the highest level of the controls over its more,  the investor constructs a completely new facility on a vacant plot of land, while in Brownfield investment, the existing facility is either used as it is or is redeveloped for the new production, which may be in the same industry or may require a complete change of usageEfficiency: As Greenfield projects are customized according to the use in which they will be put, they take care of all kinds of efficiency hazards at the planning stage. Therefore the production levels are optimum in such projects in most cases. As Brownfield projects redevelop existing facilities, there may be restrictions on the amount of redevelopment that can be done, suiting the new production requirements. Therefore this could become a hurdle to the efficiency of the project.Cost: Greenfield projects require greater investment as compared to the Brownfield projects as all that the investing company gets in the land, and the entire construction is newly undertaken, while in the case of Brownfield, some projects may initiate by making minor modifications to the existing facilitiesTime: Greenfield projects require greater time as compared to the Brownfield projects for the same reasons as their costs are higherCleanup costs: Greenfield projects don’t incur any cleanup costs. However, the Brownfield investment site may be contaminated due to prior usage or may even have hazardous waste disposed of, which requires cleaning up, and therefore cleanup costs are incurred.Risk of failure: Greenfield projects have a higher risk of failure than Brownfield investments because they incur higher costs; therefore, if these projects fail, they lead to a larger loss.


Brownfield Investment is a type of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in which a foreign investor merges, acquires, or leasesLeasesLeasing is an arrangement in which the asset’s right is transferred to another person without transferring the ownership. In simple terms, it means giving the asset on hire or rent. The person who gives the asset is “Lessor,” the person who takes the asset on rent is “Lessee.”read more a pre-existing plant and uses the same for the production of a new product resulting in saving the time taken in building a new facility. This may be an advantage for those who may not have to modify the existing facility for their purpose greatly. Otherwise, the redevelopment may become highly costly.

The cleanup cost of contaminated regions might become one of the highest costs to the investors and a great advantage to the local community, so this needs to be considered before making such an investment.

This has been a guide to Brownfield Investment and its definition. Here we discuss Brownfield Investment with the help of an example. We also discuss the difference between Brownfield and Green Investment. You may also have a look at the following articles –

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