What is Bull Spread?
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Types of Bull Spread
There are primarily two types which depend on if Calls are used, or Puts are used to implement the strategy
#1 – Bull Call Spread
This strategy is deployed by buying ATM (at the money) call options while selling an equal number of OTM (out of the moneyOut Of The Money”Out of the money” is the term used in options trading & can be described as an option contract that has no intrinsic value if exercised today. In simple terms, such options trade below the value of an underlying asset and therefore, only have time value.read more) call options of the same underlying and same expiry. While deploying this strategy, a net debit of the Premium will occur, or a cost will be involved in setting up this strategy.
Bull Call SpreadBull Call SpreadA bull call spread refers to a trading strategy where the trader speculates a limited price appraisal of the stock. Here, the trader bets on the same stock via two call options for the upper and lower strike price range.read more Formula (Where: X1<X2, denotes the strike priceStrike PriceExercise price or strike price refers to the price at which the underlying stock is purchased or sold by the persons trading in the options of calls & puts available in the derivative trading. Thus, the exercise price is a term used in the derivative market.read more)
- Net Premium (Debit) = Premium Debit while buying CALL (of Strike X1) – Premium Credit while Selling CALL (of Strike X2).Max Loss = Net Premium Debit.Max Profit = (X2-X1) – Net Premium Debit.
#2 – Bull Put Spread
This strategy is deployed by selling ATM (at the money) put options while buying an equal number of OTM (out of the money) put options of the same underlying and same expiry. While deploying this strategy, a net credit of the Premium will occur, or payment will be received on setting up this strategy.
Bull Put Spread Formula (Where: X1<X2, denote the strike price)
(Where X1< X2, denoting the strikes)
- Net Premium (Credit) = Premium Received while selling PUT (of Strike X2) – Premium Debit while buying PUT (of Strike X2).Max Loss = (X2-X1) – Net Premium Credit.Max Profit = Net Premium Credit.
Example of Bull Spread
Let us take a listed company ABC whose stock is trading at $100 currently.
- Following are the Strike Prices and LTP (last trading price) of the ATM and OTM Call optionsStrike Price = $100 | LTP = $5 (ATM)Strike Price = $110 | LTP = $4 (OTM)Following are the Strike Prices and LTP (last trading price) of the ATM and OTM Put optionsPut OptionsPut Option is a financial instrument that gives the buyer the right to sell the option anytime before the date of contract expiration at a pre-specified price called strike price. It protects the underlying asset from any downfall of the underlying asset anticipated.read moreStrike Price = $100 | LTP = $4 (ATM)Strike Price = $90 | LTP = $3 (OTM)
Bull Call Spread:
From the given information we can create a “Bull Call SpreadBull Call SpreadA bull call spread refers to a trading strategy where the trader speculates a limited price appraisal of the stock. Here, the trader bets on the same stock via two call options for the upper and lower strike price range.read more” description=”A bull call spread refers to a trading strategy where the trader speculates a limited price appraisal of the stock. Here, the trader bets on the same stock via two call options for the upper and lower strike price range.” url=”https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/bull-call-spread/”]Bull Call Spread[/wsm-tooltip] as following:
#1 – Net Premium (Debit) = Buy Call of Strike $100 & Sell Call of Strike $110
- Net Premium (Debit) = -$5 +$4 (Positive sign denoted inflow and Negative indicates outflow)Net Premium (Debit) = -$1 (As this is negative quantity this is net outflow or debit)
#2 – Bull Call Spread Max Loss = Net Premium Debit
- Max Loss = $1
#3 – Bull Call Spread Max Profit = (X2-X1)-Net Premium Debit
- Max Profit = ($110-$100) – $1 = $9
Bull Put Spread:
From the given information we can create a Bull Put Spread as following:
#1 – Net Premium (Credit) = Sell Put of Strike $100 & Buy Put of Strike $90
- Net Premium (Credit) = +$4 -$3 (Positive sign denoted inflow and Negative indicates outflow)Net Premium (Credit) = +$1 (As this is positive quantity this is net inflow or credit)
#2 – Max Loss = (X2-X1) – Net Premium Credit
- Max Loss = ($100-$90) – $1 = $9
#3 – Max Profit = Net Premium Credit
- Profit = $1
Practical Application Based Example
The option chain of Apple for options contracts expiring on 1st November is shown below.
The necessary data is now available for building this strategy.
The two strikes chosen are $1760 and $1763. The Calls of each of these strikes have been highlighted. In this case, a $1760 strike Call (ATM) will be bought, and the same quantity of $1763 strike Call (OTM) will be sold.
The prices highlighted on the option chainOption ChainAn option chain is a detailed representation of all available option contracts for an asset. It provides a quick picture of all available put and calls options of the asset with their pricing, volume, open interest details to analyze and take appropriate and immediate actions.read more will be used to build the payoff chart of the strategy.
When the premiums of each of these strikes were fed in the option strategy builder, the following result was obtained. It can be seen that the strategy has a net debtNet DebtDebt minus cash and cash equivalents equals net debt, which is the amount of debt a company has in comparison to its liquid assets. It is a metric that is used to evaluate a firm’s financial liquidity and aids in determining if the company can meet its obligations by comparing liquid assets to total debt.read more of $0.95.
Source: optioncreator.com
- Bull Call spread Max Loss is equal to the Net Premium paid at the time of deployment = $0.95Bull Call Max profit = (1763-1760) – $0.95 = $3-$0.95 = $2.05The profit increases linearly as the stock price moves from $1760 to $1763, which are the two strikes chosen for this strategy.Break Even point = $1760 (Lower Strike) + $0.95 (Net Premium Paid) = $1760.95Below $1760 & above $1763 both the loss and gain are capped to $0.95 & $2.05 respectively.The risk-reward ratio is 2.05/0.95 = 2.16
The two strikes chosen are $1758 and $1763. The Puts of each of these strikes have been highlighted. In this case, a $1763 strike Put (ATM) will be sold, and the same quantity of $1758 strike Call (OTM) will be bought.
The prices highlighted on the option chain will be used to build the payoff chart of the strategy.
When the premiums of each of these strikes were fed in the option strategy builder, the following result was obtained. It can be seen that the strategy has a net credit of $3.76.
Bull Call spread Max gain is equal to the Net Premium paid at the time of deployment = $3.76.
Bull Call Max loss = $3.76 – (1763-1758) = $3.76-$5= -$1.24.The profit increases linearly as the stock price moves from $1758 to $1763, which are the two strikes chosen for this strategy.Break Even point = $1763 (Higher Strike) – $3.76 (Net Premium Paid) = $1759.24Below $1758 & above $1763 both the loss and gain are capped to $1.24 & $3.76 respectively.The risk-reward ratio is 3.76/1.24 = 3.03
- The maximum profit is limited in either Bull Call or Bull Put Spreads.The risk-reward ratioRisk-reward RatioThe risk-reward ratio is the measure used by the investors during the trading for knowing their potential loss to the potential profit. Hence it is used by the traders for effectively managing their risk and capital during the trading process.read more is skewed in favor of risk.
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