One of the main reasons people purchase Ring devices and so that they can keep their household safe. These devices are great for warding off burglars, home invaders, and other unsavory characters.

You can use Ring footage in court if you provide Ring support with your case number. You need proof that the footage is valid from the Ring company if you want to use it to support your legal case.

Please continue reading to learn everything you need about using Ring footage and videos in court. In addition, we will discuss how this footage can become legitimate evidence.

How to Get Court Certification from Ring

If you or a police officer wants to use Ring footage and court, you need to contact Ring support to verify the video evidence.

A court cannot use video evidence unless verification is attached to prove that the video isn’t forged.

Police officers also can’t receive your footage without a subpoena.

  • Contact Ring support using their online chat function or their phone number.Have your case number ready to provide to the person assisting you with video footage verification.Ring support will not provide this information unless you have a case number available.If you’re a police officer looking to get footage from someone’s camera as potential evidence, you’ll need to email for assistance.

Unfortunately, you cannot show the court the footage on your phone and have it be permissible legally.

You need to show proof that the video is legitimately from your Ring device and not altered.

Can Police Get a Subpoena for Your Ring Footage

There are situations where police officers can get a subpoena for your device footage without consulting you.

Many times officers will go over your head and straight to Ring support if they have a subpoena.

If law enforcement has concerns about imminent danger or death surrounding a person or situation, they can get a subpoena for your Ring camera footage.

However, police officers can’t come to your door and demand to see the footage without a subpoena.

You can provide footage to them if you feel it would be helpful.

You have the legal right to keep video surveillance technology on your property without receiving government permission.

However, there are laws surrounding places where people expect privacy, but these practices don’t apply to video doorbells.

If someone is standing outside, it’s legal to take footage of them because they are in a public area.

This especially holds if they’re standing on your front doorstep.

However, if you capture an audio conversation using your Ring device and want to post the footage, you need at least one participant in the conversation, depending on your state, to approve the footage.

Situations You Could Use Your Ring Footage as Evidence

These Ring cameras can help you with legal situations involving theft on your property, home invasion, and any other illegal actions you catch on video.

If you get the proper certification from Ring, you can use footage and video in a court of law as evidence. However, these videos don’t apply unless you have Ring verify that they’re valid.

These Ring devices are readily available, and many homeowners have them, making it difficult for home invasions to go unpunished.

If you frequently order products online and notice missing packages, you may want to invest in a surveillance device to keep your property safe.

Package theft is a common problem.

Does Ring Share Data With Police?

While you may be pleased to hear that you can use your video surveillance in a court of law for your safety, you may be displeased to hear that police can access your cameras too.

If a police officer gets a subpoena for your device information, they can access your video footage without your knowledge.

However, police officers cannot get a subpoena for your devices without probable cause or immediate danger.

If a police officer shows up at your door demanding access without proper documentation, you do not have to give them access.

However, if they have documentation, they have the right.

Final Thoughts

You can use ring video footage in court for evidence when someone commits a crime on your property.

This is extremely beneficial for people who’ve recently experienced theft in their area.

If a police officer has reason to believe there’s evidence of a crime on your Ring devices, they can get a subpoena and access your footage without your knowledge.

Police officers directly contact Ring support when they need access to your devices for evidence in a court case or when there is an emergency.

If you want to use your device footage in court as evidence, you need to contact Ring support and provide your case number so that they can verify your footage.