Having a streaming device that can connect to both 2.4 and 5 GHz wifi bands is extremely useful. Many users of Roku ultra keep asking if their device supports the 5 GHz wifi band.

The Roku Ultra is a dual-band device that can connect to both 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz. This feature is very useful as both bands have their usefulness, and having the ability to switch seamlessly is quite expedient.

In this piece, we will discuss the 5 GHz network and how it can benefit you. Also, we look at the steps involved if you want to switch your Roku ultra to work on either of the two bands.

What is a 5 GHz network?

The 5 GHz connection is one of the two wireless connections used in home networks. The other type of connection is the 2.5 GHz network. Both connections have a short range, and the 5 GHz network works on a five gigahertz Radio band.

The reason the 5 GHz connection exists is to overcome the limitations of the 2.5 GHz bands. The latter has only three non-overlapping channels but is used by numerous home devices and technologies like Bluetooth and remote controls. This often leads to a situation where the band gets crowded, thereby affecting all connections.

On the other hand, 5 GHz has 24 non-overlapping channels. This ensures that there will be no wi-fi congestion and minimal non-wifi interference. Although it is highly unlikely that all 24 channels will ever be put to use concurrently, having this large number allows you to use your network without disruptive elements that show up when using 2.4 GHz.

Difference Between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wifi Mode

As the wifi modes are just two, you need to know their differences to help you decide which suits your situation at a particular time.

With these features in mind, it is quite easy to see the differences between both Network modes and how they could affect users in the home. 2.4 GHz would ordinarily be enough for your home connection. However, in cases where there is interference by other devices, Yiu might have issues with your network. It is in situations like this that the importance of 5 GHz shows.

Does Roku Ultra Support 5Ghz?

Despite how beneficial the 5 GHz band is, there is the nagging worry that it isn’t compatible with all devices, unlike the 2.4 GHz network, which is universally accepted. Most devices that Support 5 GHz also support 2.4 GHz, and they are called dual-band wireless networking. These combine the compatibility and better signal reach of 2.4 GHz with the broader network bandwidth of the 5 GHz band.

The Roku Ultra supports both Wifi modes, a feature that always assures a better and more stable connection. You can always switch to one or the other when needed, although there is an automatic feature that detects when it’s time for the mode to switch.

How To Connect Your Roku Ultra To the 5 GHz Band

Oftentimes, the network you use determines what wireless network band it will connect to, and it will connect to either band automatically. However, you can set it so that it will connect to one of the two. You could do this for various reasons. One could be a need for a greater network range because your router is a bit distant from the RV, which would make 2.4 GHz the go-to band. If, on the other hand, you notice your network getting crowded and interfered with, you might have to switch to 5 GHz to get a smooth experience.

To have the option to switch modes, use a different SSID for the 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz APS on your router. You can then follow these steps to connect to the one you want:

  • Go to SettingsGo to SystemGo to Advanced System SettingsGo to Network Connection Reset and reset your networkConnect to the network you want to

Select the network you want to connect to, and you’ll be good. You should note that most times, it’s best for you to leave it for your device to detect which band is best automatically.


It can be very important to have a double band device that can connect to both common wireless connections used in home settings. The Roku ultra allows you this feature, giving better connectivity for a top streaming experience.