Using an e-reader is a convenient way to ensure you can read your favorite books wherever you go. Whether you are at home, at the beach, or on a lunch break, an e-reader is small enough to carry with you wherever you go. One worry that commonly plagues Kindle Oasis owners is, can you use the Kindle Oasis without WiFi?

You can only read books that have been downloaded to your Kindle Library without WiFi on the Kindle Oasis. New books have to be downloaded through a WiFi connection. Browsing capabilities will also be removed, and audiobooks that are not direct downloads will also be unavailable.

Since the Kindle Oasis has internet access and WiFi provides a lot more functionality to the Kindle Oasis, it is not the end all be all of the device. It can still perform properly without WiFi; it just takes extra work to get the things you want onto it. Read on to learn more about what you can do with a Kindle Oasis without WiFi and what features you may miss out on without it.

Set Up the Kindle Oasis Without WiFi

Before you begging your off-the-grid journey, it is important to know how to set up the Kindle Oasis without WiFi. A user cannot just turn on the Kindle Oasis and move forward, as a few hurdles need to be conquered beforehand. Follow these steps to ensure proper setup without WiFi on the Kindle:

Load a Book onto Kindle Oasis Without WiFi

If a user does not want to connect their Kindle Oasis to WiFi but still wants to use it to read e-books; they can. Some people prefer to borrow e-books from the library, load them onto a USB, and then place them on their Kindle Oasis. While this process is a little tricky, it is absolutely possible. Follow these steps to properly accomplish this:

Once this is complete, the user can go into the Kindle Library, select the e-book and begin to read it at their leisure. When the book is complete, it can be left on the device or deleted off the device. It is completely up to user preference.

Does it Require WiFi?

It can be confusing to determine which feature requires WiFi to function and which one does not. We have provided a list for you to make the research less cumbersome and enjoy more time reading. Here are the features that do and don’t need WiFi:

While the Kindle Oasis is highly functional without WiFi, the perks that come with WiFi are hard to contest. WiFi makes the kindle experience easier overall for the user. It also allows users to browse book recommendations tailored to their reading history. 

Benefits of Using WiFi with Kindle Oasis

Before turning off WiFi capabilities on the Kindle Oasis completely, it is important to consider all of the great features WiFi provides to a Kindle Oasis. Many of the advanced features require WiFi to work properly. Here is an overview of some of the best features and what they do:

Read a Book

Kindle allows users to read books wherever they are, whenever they want. It opens up the doors to thousands of authors, genres, and books a traditional bookstore may lack.

Go Book Shopping

If you want to shop for books on the Kindle Library on your Kindle, it needs to be connected to the internet. You can keep your Kindle Oasis disconnected from the internet and use another device, like a computer or laptop, to search for books.  This other device must be connected to the internet to browse the books on the Kindle Store.

Order Your Next Book

If you want to actually purchase the book from the Kindle Store and have it directly downloaded to your Kindle, you need to be connected to the internet in some manner. It is not possible to download a book to the cloud directly without a WiFi or Ethernet-enabled connection.

Sync Your Notes

While you can take notes without access to the internet on the Kindle, you cannot sync these notes across devices. This means if you start a book on one device and go to open it on another, your notes will not be available for viewing. The best way to combat this is to ensure it is connected to a strong internet signal through WiFi.

Go Off-Grid

Reading a good book in a relaxing and beautiful environment is extremely beneficial to lowering stress and improving help. Kindle Oasis allows you to partake in this enjoyment with an e-book that is available anywhere, anytime. So grab the Kindle and get lost in a good book, off-grid. It is absolutely worth it.