Difference Between Communism and Fascism

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Communism vs Fascism – Comparative Table 


Let’s see the top differences between Communism vs Fascism.

Key Takeaways

  • Communism was rooted in the concept of full control of production by a central authority, eliminating economic inequalities. Fascism concentrated more on the idea of building a strong nation, fed by a sense of unity fueled by belongingness and patriotism. Communism did not entertain but rather wanted to abolish the concept of private ownership. Fascism supported private production as long as it supported and contributed to developing a self-reliant nation.Regardless of ideological differences between Communism vs Fascism, they both depart from the concept of democracy

What is Communism? 

CommunismCommunismCommunism is an ideology that bases itself on the belief that the means of production in a society should belong to the state.read more is an ideology that intends to replace private property and a profit-based economyEconomyAn economy comprises individuals, commercial entities, and the government involved in the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of products and services in a society.read more with public ownership. In communism, the community controls the major means of production and the natural resources present in society. It can therefore be described as a higher form of socialism. It is an economic and political philosophy founded by Karl Marx along with Friedrich Engels in the latter half of the 19th century. The belief that the wealthy exploited worker populations and that societies would develop class consciousness was the start of this concept. Leaders believed that it would lead to a conflict that would be resolved by way of a revolutionary struggle. This conflict will make the proletariat (worker population) rise against the bourgeoisie and finally establish a communist society. 

In a communist society, the aim is to achieve a state where the government would abolish all private ownership. In other words, the means of production belong to the entire community and not be concentrated only in certain pockets. Therefore, a common motto throughout the communist movement is that everyone gave according to their ability and received according to their needs. As a result, the requirements of society would take precedence over the needs of an individual.

What is Fascism? 

Fascism is an ideology that advocates the superiority of the nation. “Nation” here can refer to a group or collection of people with a sense of belonging. It could be based on geography, ethnicity, or culture. All these could follow a fascist path, elevating nationalism above all other forms of loyalty. Here, the goal was to create a strong sense of nationalistic dictatorship that regulated and steered the economy. In addition, it wanted to transform the nation into something magnificent with a self-determined structure and culture. In short, it can be described as a type of authoritarian ultra-nationalism that didn’t mind achieving results by suppressing opposition.

It opposed liberal democracy and favored a one-party system. In addition, it was a system that rejected the ideas of socialism and capitalismCapitalismCapitalism is an economic system consisting of businesses, resources, capital goods, and labour. Private entities own it, and the income is derived by the level of production of these factors. Because of the private hands, these entities can be operated efficiently and maximize their production activity also.read more. Fascism, unlike these ideologies, advocated self-sufficiency through economic control. Besides, history shows that fascism supported violence in the name of politics. This was perceived as legitimate for the purpose of domination. Hence, we can understand that the yearning for national unity under strong leadership was a reason for the rise of fascism.

Communism vs Fascism – Similarities


In a democracy, the political system allows private ownership of goods and services. It allowed private enterprises to have the liberty of producing goods and services. Communism was against this kind of freedom and hence opposed the idea of democracy in this form.

Fascism, on the other hand, was hand-rooted in dictatorship and supremacy of the sense of belonging. It overthrew the cries for freedom of the oppressed and therefore opposed democracy. 


Communism originated in the second part of the 19th century in Europe. Fascism also emerged in the 19th century after being triggered by the World war in Europe.

Sense of individualism:

Communism puts society’s needs before the satisfaction of individual needs. On the other hand, fascism wanted to build a nation and wanted people to support it, valuing nationalism beyond a sense of individualism.

This has been a guide to Communism vs Fascism. Here we discuss the top differences between the two terms along with infographics and a comparative table. You may also have a look at the following articles –

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