Conscious Capitalism Definition

Businesses that practice capitalism consciously include two major elements. These companies have a purpose that goes beyond profit maximization. All companies are managed to benefit stakeholders in the ecosystem, not just the shareholders. Hence, the aim is to go through the path of sustainable success to secure humanity’s and the planet’s future.

Key Takeaways

  • Conscious capitalism is a form of capitalism that looks beyond the ideology of profit maximization. Instead, it teaches the importance of culture, personal and professional goals, and other social obligations.The objective of the conscious capitalism movement is to build enterprises that are dependable, real, creative, and nurturing. In addition, they hope to serve as a resource for their professional and personal development.John Mackey and Rajendra Sisodia are the authors of Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business, the book from which the concept evolved.

Conscious Capitalism Explained

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Conscious capitalism is simple enough to understand, and the term has two words in it, conscious and capitalism. They convey the essence of capitalism that is consciously taken forward. This refers to the awareness to act according to consciousness is to be mindful of the act. In addition, it is to understand the circumstances and respond in a way that honors the values and goals of the enterprise. A conscious business thus fosters peace and prosperity for the community, not just the business or associated people around it. This concept emerged from the book “Conscious Capitalism Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business” authored by John Mackey and Rajendra Sisodia.

The conscious capitalist credo describes its vision as creating trustable, authentic, innovative, and nurturing businesses. They aim to provide them with a source of personal and professional growth. They also intend to provide their stakeholders with financial, intellectual, social, cultural, emotional, spiritual, ecological, and physical benefits. In short, businesses work intending to make the world evolve to help people flourish and lead lives filled with compassion, purpose, and passion.

Focus areas of conscious capitalism

Companies do justice to Conscious capitalism by focusing on many areas, and some of them are listed down below:

Diversity, equity, & inclusion:

Create enterprises with cultures that give people a sense of belonging. For example, to fight racism and uplift the section of the population that is traditionally underrepresented in business.


Giving importance to sustainable practices and combating climate change through conscious practices.

Health and wellness:

Conscious capitalism give prime importance to the employees’ and their families’ mental and physical health. The provision of high-quality health care ensures this.

Local communities:

Involvement with issues promotes growth and development in the neighborhoods where individuals live and work.


Support quality learning opportunities for current employees and develop leaders inside and outside the workplace.

Global Poverty:

Granting equal access to the wealth creation made available by capitalism to lift poor communities domestically and internationally.

Human rights:

Preserve everyone’s right to life and liberty, irrespective of race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, language, gender identity, or any other status.

Standard of living:

Building a society where each person can support their family, live happily, and have the freedom to pursue their interests.

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Four Tenets of Conscious Capitalism 

The four tenets of conscious capitalism are listed below:

#1 – Higher purpose:

Businesses should have other motives apart from making money. Profits do not have to be considered a necessary means to achieve success. In this way, it builds a socially conscious community.

#2 – Stakeholder Orientation:

A conscious business enterprise recognizes the interdependency of life and the foundation of business. It, therefore, should create value within itself and for its shareholders (consumers, employees, laborers, vendors, investors, the business community, etc.).

#3 – Conscious leadership:

Leaders lead with a vision. Good leaders create human social organizations, guide them to success, and inspire people to follow their path. Conscious leaders understand the importance of being socially conscious and act following it. They create value and harmonize the interests of the various stakeholders involved. They recognize this and therefore cultivate a conscious culture in business enterprises.

#4 – Conscious culture:

Culture contributes to the organization’s ethos, values, principles, practices, and purpose. It helps build these aspects and connects the stakeholders and the business. All companies have a culture; it may be one of growth or toxic. However, conscious companies intentionally develop a culture that promotes enterprise values and purpose.


The American grocery chain Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. is privately held. It was established in Rochester in 1916 and now has its headquarters there. Wegmans has over 100+ stores as of 2022. In 2004, Forbes named it the “best place to work” in the United States. The company has its rules, working on the philosophy of good people working towards a common goal. Therefore, it pays its employees more than the industry average wage rates and provides retirement benefits. The employee turnover in 2004 was comparatively low at 6% compared to a 20% industry rate. The almost a century-old retailer stopped selling tobacco products in 2008. In this way, it sacrificed its profits for social good, for something it believed was good for society.

Conscious capitalism companies such as the Wegmans Food Markets do not stray from doing business or wanting profits. Social good is one of its objectives, but it does not let it override other company goals. Companies and enterprises have different approaches to reaching that goal. For example, Starbucks’ conscious capitalism included methods of starting the campaign “#RaceTogether,” where they wrote the hashtag under coffee cups to talk about racial discrimination. This focuses on the issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

This is a Guide to Conscious capitalism and its definition. We explain the focus areas of conscious capitalism, its four tenets, with examples. You can learn more from the following articles –

It is a practice adopted by companies and enterprises that want to follow the path of capitalism but with ethical, conscious, value-filled practices. These companies want to build an ecosystem that benefits and nurtures its stakeholders.

Crony capitalism has done more bad than good for humanity and the planet. Capitalism with consciousness aims to reverse the damage done. At least adopt practices that do not contribute to the detrimental factors that degrade the community and the planet.

Policies on employee welfare, gender equality, workplace safety, adopting environmentally sound practices or cutting down emissions, etc., reflect the idea of conscious capitalism.

Conscious capitalism companies are companies that adopt practices involving goals that are beyond profit-making. Instead, they strive for a better tomorrow. Each company is different. For example, Starbucks’ conscious capitalism involves recruiting refugees. Through this, the company is allowing the grief-stricken community to start over.

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