Temptation is at every turn. Every nook and corner has stores selling the very best of clothes, accessories, or even exotic looking cakes and pies. But, any type of indulgence comes at a price. Monetary pricing has now reached the deep end of the pool and hence, budget cuts are now a way of life. To top it all, if one has any type of debt or any EMI that one is repaying, then it became even more prudent to be alert in regard to the finances. Mentioned below are the best Debt control apps for smartphone users. They shall help one with their finances in the easiest manner possible.

Best Debt Controlling Apps for Android and iOS Users

1. My Debts

Download: Android

This application focuses on debt management and general fund administration. The application incorporates a visual portrayal of income and costs. One can likewise set alarms on the application to help remember due dates, as to reduce stress and never missing an installment. This is a productive method to monitor the greater part of one’s bills, and not only debts.

2. Debt Free Calculator

Download: iOS

Available for iOS users, this Debt Control App is ironically also one of the favorite apps of people in debt. It shows one’s full amount, debt amount, debt schedule and every detail that one must need to keep their eyes on. One can also view the data information in the form of graphic if visualization is more their style.

3. Debt Manager

Another one for iOS users, this app utilizes one’s data to make visual diagrams. They enable the user to view and analyze how far along they have come in paying off their debts and, the amount remaining. The application particularly centers around the Snowball Method to track and pay off all debts rapidly. The intelligent application gives indications and tips in light of one’s debt status. One can also track regularly scheduled installments with this application.

4. Debt Payoff Planner

Download: Android / iOS

Available for both Android and iOS users, this Debt Control App has the potential to work wonders! With it one can review every method, be it debt snowball or debt avalanche. Also, one gets quite a good estimate on how much time it shall take to pay off the money loan and how can you save on interest. Its many features are optimal for those who have not decided which method to opt for. The key feature of this app is tracking one’s money becomes easy.

5. Credit Card Payoff

In case one is struggling with huge credit card bills, then that means they have fallen in to a huge money pit and to break free is quite a daunting task. With this application, one can easily customize it according to their income, expense and debt to make sure one is debt free without facing too many hardships.

There you have it folks! The best debt controlling apps for Android and iOS users.

Hope they come to your aid, and help in coming out of the money pit one has fallen in to. Do drop us a line in the comments section below to share your views.

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