Top 4 Corporate Development Careers

Below is the list of top Corporate Development Career paths that you can look for.

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Corporate Development Careers Overview

Corporate development refers to the process of planning and implementing organizational strategies for the growth of the company. It is a team which focuses more on merger & acquisitions, divestituresDivestituresDivesting refers to the act of partially or entirely selling organizational assets to generate funds more, joint venturesJoint VenturesA joint venture is a commercial arrangement between two or more parties in which the parties pool their assets with the goal of performing a specific task, and each party has joint ownership of the entity and is accountable for the costs, losses, or profits that arise out of the more, and strategic alliances in order to accelerate the company’s growth and reach in the market and gain a larger market share ultimately. It is headed generally by the Chief Executive Officer of the company under the guidance and support of the promoters.

  • The Corporate Development job majorly revolves around deal sourcingDeal SourcingDeal Origination is a strategy used by firms to find investment prospects, either by gaining industry knowledge or by forming a deal for themselves using their connections with the involved more and deal execution for the m&a transactions for the company as and when it is essential.In a large organization, more time is spent on the deal execution part as many m&a opportunities are readily available in the market, whereas, in a small company, more time is spent on deal sourcing since there are limited options available in the market for acquisition since the acquiring company does not have its firm footprints.In this role, a projected business plan is prepared under the guidance of the CEO, and the same is revised on a periodic basis as per the situation.One of the primary roles of the Corporate Development Team will be to reshape the management arm of the company if the same is not in tangent to the vision of the company. Hence many senior people in the company are asked to leave and replaced with quality professionals who can turn the company to its highest potential.

  • This profile requires a higher level of expertise with regards to the overall management of the business, and hence mostly Chartered Executives like CA, CFACA, CFACFA or Chartered Financial Analyst an ideal choice for individuals that are keen on learning the insights of finance and risk management or Investment banking and portfolio management. CA or Chartered Accountant is preferred by individuals who are willing to gain expertise in accountancy, audit, and more, MBA from Tier 1 are generally preferred for this role since they have the technical expertise to perform better than others in crisis situations.

Corporate Development is one of the most crucial departments of any company since it plays a vital role in shaping Business in the long term. Let us now look at the top 4 career options in Corporate Development –

#1 – Analyst

#2 – Associate

#3 – Vice President

#4 – Director


Corporate development is one of the most favored roles in the industry since it comes with very high compensation and knowledge. With the Kind of technological advancement in the world, the M&A industry is going to get doubled from where it is now. Going forward, there will be a lot of scope in the corporate development profile. Since it is a CEO level role, it requires an extensive amount of technical and business management skills in order to drive the company strategy and lead the same to the topmost position in the market and further maintain the same in the long run.

Analyst prepares deal books on the companies that are open for acquisition for the CEO to make strategic decisions. This is an entry-level position in the company which helps the analyst to understand the markets and the industry in which he is working.

The associate oversees the work done by the junior analyst and guides him in the deal process. He leads the execution of the deal and is the single point of contact between the CEO and the other company.

Vice President leads the corporate development division in the company with a team of analysts and associates and reports to the director about the potential opportunities in the M&A space and draft strategies as to how we can accelerate the company’s growth.

Director spearheads the corporate development department of the company and reports to the CEO about the potential M&A opportunities and the strategic alliancesStrategic AlliancesA strategic alliance is a type of agreement between two companies to reap the mutual benefits of a specific project, in which both agree to share resources and thus result in synergy to execute the project, resulting in a higher profit more that can be made for the betterment of the company in the future.

This has been a guide to Corporate Development Careers. Here we provide the list of top 4 corporate development job options & career paths that a person can reach in his career, for e.g., Analyst, Associate, Vice president, Director, etc. You may also have a look at the below articles –

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