What Is A Correlation Matrix?

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The specific inputs in the grid arrangement concerning an event or variable let users predict further related possibilities. As it helps identify the patterns, the correlation matrix is useful in investment management, economics, risk management, and statistics. Moreover, the correlationCorrelationCorrelation is a statistical measure between two variables that is defined as a change in one variable corresponding to a change in the other. It is calculated as (x(i)-mean(x))*(y(i)-mean(y)) / ((x(i)-mean(x))2 * (y(i)-mean(y))2.read more between the coefficients is the basis of future findings.

Key Takeaways

  • The correlation matrix helps establish the interrelationship or interdependency between two or more variables.It is depicted in a tabular form; hence, the datasets are easy to read, understand, and identify patterns for predicting future instances.The idea helps summarize the data and reach reliable conclusions, helping investors make wiser investment decisions.The matrix can be effectively created simply on Excel or by using advanced technologies, like SPSS and Python-driven Pandas.

How Does Correlation Matrix Work?

A correlation matrix lets analysts summarize a large volume of data in a tabular form, making it more readable and easily understandable. The correlation matrix in Pandas or Python is the most accessible way of creating a data set for further analysis in a tabular form besides Excel. In addition, the SPSS correlation matrix is widely used by market players, given the inbuilt functions it offers.

The clear presentation helps users identify the patterns that the variables follow along with their interdependence to predict future possibilities. However, to ensure the decisions based on the correlation of variables are correct, it is significant to put the correct value for the expected values in the rows and columns.

Thus, a user must be careful while creating such a matrix. The steps involved in the creation are as follows:

  • First, users must create the data for which correlation needs to be established. Here, the Nifty price index and certain equity stocks, which are part of the Nifty index, have been used.

  • The users can use the Correlation function under the Data Analysis feature of the Data tab in Microsoft Excel.The next step is to select the Input range of data as above and click OK.The matrix created in Excel looks like this:


Let us consider the following examples to see how a correlation matrix in Excel can help users read and understand the large volume of data:

Example #1

The table below shows a correlation matrix between different bonds issued by the government with different residual maturity stated in the form of years in both horizontal and vertical buckets.

For example, it enables users to interpret that a bond with 0.25 years to maturity and a bond with 0.5 years to maturity has a correlation coefficientCorrelation CoefficientCorrelation Coefficient, sometimes known as cross-correlation coefficient, is a statistical measure used to evaluate the strength of a relationship between 2 variables. Its values range from -1.0 (negative correlation) to +1.0 (positive correlation). read more of 0.97, indicating price movements similar to other maturity bonds.

Example #2

Xavier Bank has classified its exposure in bonds based on residual maturity as follows:

It has created the matrix across different tenor bonds based on the price movement using the Excel tool (discussed above):

Xavier Bank calculated its exposure-wise matrix across various tenors, as shown below:


To summarize large data, the correlation matrix in R and Python programming is common across different sectors, including finance. When the data set is organized and arranged, users get a clear view of the relationship the variables share at every stage. Therefore, identifying the patterns and trends becomes easier. Thus, investors and traders get a chance to study the pattern and get reliable clues about the expected price movement. This helps them make wiser investment decisions.

When people assess peculiar patterns related to an investment or any regular activities over time, they help people use the conclusions or inferences from studying similar data sets as input in future assessments. In addition, the same analysis can act as a diagnostic for checking other reviews done using the matrix. For example, if linear regression is conducted with the related correlations with a higher value being used as one of the parameters, the result is likely unreliable.

Covariance Matrix vs Correlation Matrix

Though people use both terms in statistics to help study patterns, covariance and correlation matrix are two opposite terms. While the former indicates the extent to which two or more variables differ, the latter shows the extent to which they are related.

Some of the differences between correlation and covariance matrixCovariance MatrixThe covariance matrix is a square matrix depicting how one variable is associated with another variable or data sets. Excel has an inbuilt ‘Data analysis’ tool to determine the covariance among different columns and variance in columns. Formula: COV (X,Y) = ∑(x – x) (y – y)/n read more are:

Find the below Excel sheet for detailed calculation:

It is a statistical method showing the relationship between two or more variables and helps define the dependence among the variables. It is a very commonly used mechanism and finds its application in investment management, risk management, statistics, and economics, to name a few.

The value for the variables can range from -1 to 1. The value of -1 indicates a negative correlation between the respective variables. On the other hand, if the value comes to 0, there is no linear correlation at all between the variables compared. However, the value obtained is 1 signifies a perfect positive relationship between the two or more variables.

Here are a few ways of detecting multicollinearity:– Checking the significant additions or deletions of a predictor, leading to other changes made to the regression coefficients– Calculating the variance inflation factor (VIF). For example, if the VIF value is 5 or 10, it indicates multicollinearity.– The correlation matrix is a great indicator of multicollinearity as it is all about bivariate, while the latter is multivariate.

This is a guide to What is Correlation Matrix. Here, we explain its meaning, applications, examples, & differences from the covariance matrix. You may learn more about financing from the following articles –

  • Positive CorrelationNegative CorrelationInverse CorrelationCovariance vs Correlation