What is the Cost-Plus Contract?

Components of a Cost-Plus Contract

There are three major components of a Cost-plus contract:

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  • Direct Cost:- Direct CostDirect CostDirect cost refers to the cost of operating core business activity—production costs, raw material cost, and wages paid to factory staff. Such costs can be determined by identifying the expenditure on cost objects.read more includes the cost incurred by the contractor specific to a contract, viz. labor costLabor CostCost of labor is the remuneration paid in the form of wages and salaries to the employees. The allowances are sub-divided broadly into two categories- direct labor involved in the manufacturing process and indirect labor pertaining to all other processes.read more, material cost, equipment hiring charges, and professional consultancy charges for the contract.Overhead Cost:- Overhead CostOverhead CostOverhead cost are those cost that is not related directly on the production activity and are therefore considered as indirect costs that have to be paid even if there is no production. Examples include rent payable, utilities payable, insurance payable, salaries payable to office staff, office supplies, etc.read more includes the allocable cost to the contract, viz., office rent, traveling expenses, insurance, office supplies, etc.Profit:- Usually, this is a fixed percentage amount calculated on the project’s cost.

Types of Cost-Plus Contract

The contract can vary only in the payment of profit or fee component to the contractor.

  • Cost + Fixed Percentage Fee:- In this, the contractor will receive the income by using a pre-decided percentage on the cost of the contract.Cost + Fixed Fee Contract:- Under this contract, the amount to be paid to the contractor is fixed and independent from the cost of the contract.Cost + Fixed percent / Fee and Incentive:- Certain contracts may have an additional incentive covenant, which states that in case of early completion of the completion of levels as mentioned in the agreement, the contractor is eligible to receive the incentive as mentioned in terms of the agreement.

Example of Cost-Plus Contract

Let us understand the cost-plus contract with a small example.

Suppose Infra Constructions receive a contract for the construction of a building, and the following terms were agreed upon,

The entire cost of the project will be reimbursed to Infra Constructions (estimated costEstimated CostCost estimate is the preliminary stage for any project, operation, or program in which a reasonable calculation of all project costs is performed and thus requires precise judgement, experience, and accuracy.read more of the project being $ 25 million)

The profits will be 20% of the entire cost of a project subject to a max of $ 5 million.

If the project is completed within 12 months, an incentive fee of $ 0.5 million will be paid.

Infra Construction completed the project in 11 months and is eligible for the incentive fee of $ 0.5 million.

The total cost incurred was $ 20 million, including direct labor cost, material cost, and overhead allocated to the projects. Required documents like Bills, labor hours on a project, and labor costs were provided to the contractee. Therefore the total income for contractor will be = $ 20 million * 20% = $ 4 million +$ 0.5 million = $ 4.5 million.

When to Use a Cost-Plus Contract?

The cost-plus agreement will be successful only if certain systems are in place before the execution of the contract,

  • There is a proper system to check the expense incurred during the construction of the contract.A proper communication channel is established between the contractor and the contractee to keep up a knowledge of the progress of the contract.All the terms and conditions are all properly mentioned in the contract to avoid disputes in the future.A contractor has sufficient funds to execute the contract as the contract cost will not be immediately paid to the contractor; he will have to pay for the expense first. Therefore, adequate financing arrangements should be there with the contractor.A team should be there to ensure that proper accounting, budgetingBudgetingBudgeting is a method used by businesses to make precise projections of revenues and expenditure for a future specific period of time while taking into account various internal and external factors prevailing at that time.read more, audit, and other records are maintained for the contract under consideration.

Advantages of Cost-Plus Contract

Some of the advantages of a Cost-Plus Contract are as follows:

  • The contractor is paid a fixed percentage of fees, so in the case of cost overrunCase Of Cost OverrunCost overrun, also known as budget overrun, is a scenario in which the cost of a project or business tends to rise above what was budgeted for. This can be due to improper budgeting or underestimating of the actual cost owing to unforeseen scenarios that were not factored into the budgeting process.read more it will not be a burden on the contractor, i.e., the risk is transferred to the contractee.The quality of the project will not be compromised as there are no budget constraints to the contractor, which leads to a better quality of the project.The contractee will have complete knowledge about the expenses incurred on the project as the contractor must provide details of all the expenses while reimbursing the cost from the contractee.The project’s final cost may be less than the estimated cost, which will benefit the contractor.In case of a decrease in material and labor costs, the benefits are transferred to the contractee as he is paying for the cost.


Some of the disadvantages of Cost-Plus Contract are as follows:

  • In cases of cost overrun, the contractor requires to show a lot of additional evidence to justify the increase in the cost of the project.Disputes may arise between the contractor and contractee while reimbursement of expenses.To avoid disagreement while settlement of the contract cost, more expense in incurring in accounting, making monthly reports, etc.A project might go longer than expected.Uncertainty for the contractee as the project’s final cost cannot always be easily determined.The contractor will not be eligible for the incentive if the project isn’t completed within a specific time range, or penalties may be levied on the contractor for delay in completion.


Cost-plus contracts are majorly found in the construction industry where the contractor is reimbursed the number of expenditures made for the contract and fixed percentage fees of the contract cost as the profit made on the contract.

This article has been a guide to what a cost-plus contract is. Here we discuss Components, types, and examples of Cost-Plus Contracts along with advantages and disadvantages. You can learn more about financing from the following articles –

  • Cost-Based Pricing FormulaQuasi-Contract ExamplesDirect LaborIncurred Cost Types