Crunchyroll is the place to find a wide range of anime television and movie series all in one place. Since 2006, Crunchyroll has been the go-to place for anime fans to find the classics they have been looking for online to watch. The anime streaming service has around 120 million users that enjoy the range of videos that they offer to its members.

But sometimes, customers of Crunchyroll get a server error message while trying to access the videos that are available to them. That can be very frustrating for people. However, with this guide, we will go over six fixes to try when you get the dreaded serve error message on your screen.

Log Out of Your Account

If the app has logged your account into the servers for too long, it could cause a problem because of the data that your account has pulled from the server.

One of the simplest things that can fix a server error would be to log out of your account and then log back in. This will reset the server.

Check Your Wi-Fi Connection

Sometimes the issue with connecting to the Crunchyroll servers comes from the internet connection with the app. If the Wi-Fi signal is weak, it could cause a server error message to come across. 

Do a Wi-Fi test on the system that you have Crunchyroll installed on to see if the Wi-Fi signal is strong enough and if the download and upload speeds are high enough to stream off the server.

Reset Your Router

You can have a good connection with your Wi-Fi router but still have a server error. It could be that the router needs to be reset, as it may have too much data on it. 

All you will need to do to reset the router is to power it off for about one minute, giving the router enough time to power down. Then, turn it back on.

Clear the Cache and Data From the App

Streaming videos on Crunchyroll take up a lot of data and space on any device that you use while watching your shows. The Crunchyroll app has a cache that saves portions of the data from shows that you watch along with data on the shows that are in the Crunchyroll library. While the cache speeds up the load time of information about shows in the library, if it stored too much data it can cause connection issues with the servers.

To clear the cache on the Android app, follow these simple steps:

  • Go to Settings.

  • Scroll down to Apps and click on it.

  • Scroll down to the Crunchyroll app and click on it.

  • Click on Storage.

  • Click on Clear Cache and Clear Data.

Doing this should solve the server error issue.

Delete and Reinstall the Crunchyroll App

If the Crunchyroll app didn’t correctly update or the file somehow got corrupted, you will have issues with streaming. 

Simply delete the Crunchyroll app and reinstall it. A fresh install of the app will ensure that the app works properly and has no issues.

Change the DNS Server on Your Device

A nice little trick to use in helping fix the server error issue is to change your DNS server to that of Google or Cloudflare. You can change the DNS servers in the IP settings of the device that you are using your Crunchyroll app on. Both Google and Cloudflare have two DNS servers that you can use.

You will need to change the server on your device. Here is how you can do that:

  • Find the IP settings on your device.

  • Go to DNS settings and select manual.

  • Enter the new DNS server information

  • For Google servers, enter or

  • For Cloudflare servers, enter or

A new DNS server can help fix the issue with your Crunchyroll server error issue.

Check the Server Status

While there are some simple fixes to the server error problem, there have been times the servers have crashed due to too many people logging in at once. 

Unfortunately, there is not a fix for when too many people are accessing the server at once. You will have to wait until a later time to watch the video you are trying to access. You can always check the Crunchyroll servers status using online sites that track information of server issues.

Contact Crunchyroll Support

If you are still having issues, try surfing through the Crunchyroll support page here, or submit a support ticket here. The professionals may have a better chance helping you if the problem is too high-tech for general users.


Now you know everything there is to know about Crunchyroll server errors and how to fix them. Hopefully these fixes were able to help you get back to streaming anime on Crunchyroll.